
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662022-10-25 00:01:20

31. FIG TREE BAY, PROTARAS, CYPRUS: This sandy beach faces an uninhabited islet - Fig Tree Bay Island – which you can swim to from the shore. ‘The beach has golden sand, lively beach bars and plenty of umbrellas to shelter from the sun,’ Big 7 Travel notes, though it warns that the beach can get busy at times

31. 塞浦路斯普拉塔拉斯的无花果树湾: 这个沙滩面对着一个无人居住的小岛--无花果树湾岛,你可以从岸上游过去。海滩上有金色的沙子、热闹的海滩酒吧和大量的遮阳伞,"Big 7 Travel 指出,尽管它警告说海滩有时会变得很热闹。


30. SEVEN MILE BEACH, NEGRIL, JAMAICA: ‘This idyllic beach has palms swaying in the breeze, clear blue waters and fresh coconuts to sip on,’ says Big 7 Travel.

30. 泽西岛内格里尔的七英里海滩:"这个田园诗般的海滩有棕榈树在微风中摇曳,清澈的蓝色海水和新鲜的椰子可以品尝,"Big 7 Travel 说。


29. PRAIA DO CAMILO, LAGOS, PORTUGAL: 'It’s a hefty 200 steps down (and an unrelenting clamber back up) to reach this beautiful beach, but you won’t be disappointed,' Big 7 Travel promises. It lies near the Ponta da Piedade, a ‘landmark rock formation with grottoes and rock arches’

29. 葡萄牙LAGOS的PRAIA DO CAMILO, : "要到达这个美丽的海滩,需要走下200级台阶(再往上爬也不容易),但你不会失望的,"Big 7 Travel承诺说。它位于Ponta da Piedade附近,是一个 "有石窟和岩石拱门的标志性岩层"。


28. PRAIA BANANA, SAO TOME & PRINCIPE: This beach, which sits 150 miles (241km) west of mainland Africa, starred in a hugely popular 1990s Bacardi advert, Big 7 Travel reveals. It says: 'It’s the ultimate tropical island escape, complete with coconut-filled palm trees, white sand and bath-water warm sea. There’s even a small bar hidden beneath the trees'

28. 圣多美和普林西比的巴拿那海滩:这个海滩位于非洲大陆以西150英里(241公里),是20世纪90年代百加得广告中的主角。这是一个终极的热带岛屿度假胜地,充满椰子的棕榈树、白色的沙滩和温暖的海水。甚至还有一个隐藏在树下的小酒吧。






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