
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662022-10-25 00:01:20

35. LE MORNE BEACH, SOUTHWESTERN MAURITIUS: Of this beach, which sits under the ‘majestic’ Le Morne mountain, Big 7 Travel says: ‘Combining miles of white sand with soaring casuarina trees surrounded by turquoise waters, it’s one of the island’s most stunning sights.’ It adds that it’s popular with windsurfers and kite surfers

35. 毛里求斯西南部勒莫恩海滩:对于这个位于 "雄伟的 "勒莫恩山下的海滩, Big 7 Travel说:"这里有数英里长的白沙和高耸的腰果树,周围是碧绿的海水,是该岛最迷人的风景之一。这里很受帆板运动者和风筝冲浪者的欢迎。


34. KA’ANAPALI BEACH, MAUI, HAWAII: Big 7 Travel reveals that Kaanapali Beach is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most beautiful beaches. It adds: ‘One of Kaanapali Beach’s most famous attractions is the daily cliff-diving ceremony off Puu Kekaa, or Black Rock. Held every evening at sunset, a cliff diver lights the torches along the cliff, and soars into the water’

34. 哈瓦伊岛毛伊岛卡阿纳帕利海滩:Big 7 Travel透露,卡阿纳帕利海滩一直被评为世界上最美丽的海滩之一。它还说:"卡阿纳帕利海滩最著名的景点之一是每天在Puu Kekaa(或称黑岩)附近举行的悬崖跳水仪式。每天傍晚日落时分,一个悬崖跳水者点燃悬崖上的火把,然后飞入水中。”


33. NAAMA BAY, SHARM EL SHEIKH, EGYPT: ‘Naama Bay offers white sandy beaches and the wildlife-rich azure waters of the Gulf of Aqaba,’ says Big 7 Travel. According to the travel site, visitors can see Saudi Arabia’s coastline from the beach

33. 埃及沙姆沙伊赫的纳马湾:"纳马湾提供白色的沙滩和亚喀巴湾丰富的野生动物的蔚蓝水域,"Big 7 Travel说。据该旅游网站称,游客可以从海滩上看到沙特阿拉伯的海岸线。


32. CALA PREGONDA, MENORCA, SPAIN: ‘The whole of this easternmost Balearic Island is a Unesco Biosphere Reserve, so there’s beauty at every turn but Cala Pregonda is something special,’ Big 7 Travel reveals. It adds that the sand on the beach has a ‘rusty hue, which complements the still, turquoise waters’

32. 西班牙梅诺卡(MENORCA)的卡拉-普雷贡达(Cala Pregonda):"这个巴利阿里群岛最东边的岛屿是联合国教科文组织的生物圈保护区,因此这里处处都是美景,但卡拉-普雷贡达(Cala Pregonda)却很特别",Big 7 Travel 透露。它说,海滩上的沙子有一种 "铁锈色,与静止的绿松石水域相得益彰"。






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