The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee inscribed China's Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City on the World Heritage List as a cultural site on Saturday, bringing the total number of World Heritage Sites in China to 55, the highest in the world. 7月6日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会将中国世界文化遗产提名项目“良渚古城遗址”列入《世界遗产名录》。至此,中国世界遗产总数达到55处,位居世界第一。
Inscribe这个词的本意是“雕、刻”,刻上去的文字一般会保留很长时间,所以这个词也有“写入、记录”之意,即to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record或者to enter on a list,常用的搭配除了上文中的inscribe something on something (as...)以外,还有inscribe something with...,比如:They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.(他们把战士们的名字刻在纪念碑上。)
Located in the Yangtze River Basin on the south-eastern coast of the country, the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (about 3300-2300 BCE) reveal an early regional state with a unified belief system based on rice cultivation in Late Neolithic China. The property is composed of four areas – the Area of Yaoshan Site, the Area of High-dam at the Mouth of the Valley, the Area of Low-dam on the Plain and the Area of City Site. These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban planning, a water conservation system and a social hierarchy expressed in differentiated burials in cemeteries within the property. 位于中国东南沿海长江三角洲的良渚古城遗址(约公元前3300-2300年)向人们展示了新石器时代晚期一个以稻作农业为支撑、具有统一信仰的早期区域性国家。该遗址由4个部分组成:瑶山遗址区、谷口高坝区、平原低坝区和城址区。通过大型土质建筑、城市规划、水利系统以及不同墓葬形式所体现的社会等级制度,这些遗址成为早期城市文明的杰出范例。
国际古迹遗址理事会(the International Council on Monuments and Sites ,ICOMOS)指出:
It is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization. 该遗址被视为5000多年前中国及东亚史前稻作文明的卓越成就,是早期城市文明的杰出范例。
以良渚古城为核心的良渚遗址是良渚文明的中心,遗存类型丰富,遗址格局完整,揭示了中华文明国家起源的基本特征,为中华五千多年文明史提供了最完整、最重要的考古学物证(the most concrete testimony of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization)。
英国知名考古学家科林·伦福儒(Colin Renfrew)曾在2013年和2017年两赴良渚古城遗址参观考察,对那里发掘的有5000年历史之久的玉器和大型水利工程遗迹印象深刻。他说:
The importance of findings from the Neolithic Age in China has been greatly underestimated. Cong and bi unearthed from the Liangzhu historical site represent a unity of values in the region. The complexity of society in Liangzhu was on par with that of a country. This is the origin of Chinese civilization. 中国的新石器时代考古发现的重要性被严重低估了。在良渚遗址出土的琮和璧代表该地区统一的价值体系。良渚的社会复杂性相当于一个国家。这就是中华文明的起源。
Viewed from a global perspective, Liangzhu has brought the origin of the state and society in China to a level equal to that of civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia and India. 从全球来看,良渚使中国国家和社会的起源达到与埃及、美索不达米亚以及印度文明相同的水平。
The historical site at the Liangzhu dam might be the earliest one in the world. 良渚坝区遗址可能是世界上最早的。
文化遗产 cultural heritage
非物质文化遗产 intangible cultural heritage
文化多样性 cultural diversity
传统文化教育 traditional culture education
国家级非物质文化遗产继承人 inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage
世界遗产名录 World Heritage List
申遗 bid for the World Heritage List
文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources
保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)