
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662023-11-21 23:42:59




定语从句中的先行词通常只有一个定语从句修饰,但有时在长难句中会出现两个或更多的定语从句并列修饰,这就是并列定语从句。 例如:

The owner of the house9 (whose wife is dead),(whose son works in New York) and( who wants to go and live with him),is willing to sell the house at reduced price.【译文】这幢房子主人的妻子已过世,儿子在纽约工作,他想搬去和儿子一起生活,所以 愿意以低价出售此房。

Mr. Smith,(who is well versed in Latin and English) but(who doesn’t know Chinese), finds it difficult to study Chinese literature.【译文】史密斯先生精通拉丁语和英语,但对中文则一无所知,所以他发现研究中国文学很闲难。

This is the house(in which the great Peking opera singer lived) and( which you visited 10 years ago) and(which becomes a museum).【译文】这就是那位著名京剧家居住过的房子,10年前你参观过,现在成了博物馆。


2.复合定语从句复合定语从句,顾名思义,就是句式结构为复合句的定语从句,此时从句的构成通常是:在关系词后面加上主语 发表观点的动词。

例如:Medical experts are now racing against time to find a cure for SARS {which (WHO fear) may spread to even more countries}.【译文】医疗专家正在争分夺秒地努力以找到SARS的治疗方法,因为世界卫生组织担 心SARS可能会传播到更多的国家.

She had a book (which (she believed) was bought by her father at a dear price}.【译文】她有一本父亲送她的书,她相信是父亲花了大价钱专门买来送她的。

She has an adopted child {who (she says) was an orphan}.【译文】她有一个养子,据她所言,这个孩子以前是个孤儿

3.递进性定语从句例如:Can you mention anyone(that we know)(who is so talented as he)?【译文】在我们认识的人中你说还有谁像他一样有才华?

She is the only girl(that I know)(who can play the guitar).【译文】她是我所认识的、唯一会弹吉他的女孩。

The only person(that I know) ( who has a skeleton in the cupboard) is George,and he is very proud of the fact.【译文】我所认识的、唯一在柜中藏骷髅的人是乔治,并且他对此事还引以为荣

Is there anything(else)(you'd like)(you don't see on the shelves)?【译文】有没有别的你喜欢的东西,现在架子上还没有?





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