
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-02-23 15:41:21

"植树节“是一些国家为防止森林过度开伐,激发人们爱林、造林的感情而设立的法定节日。Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation,celebrates trees and promotes planting.


春天是植树的时间。Spring is the prime time for planting trees.

在中国,植树节在每年的3月12日。In China,Tree Planting Day is on March 12.

人人会在这一天种很多树。On that day, people can plant many trees.


在不同国家,由于所候和温度的差异,植树节的具体日期也有不同。In different countries, the weather is different, so Tree Planting Days are on different dates.

例如在印度,植树节在7月1日。Like in India, Tree Planting Day is on July 1st.

西班牙的植树节是在2月1日。Tree Planting Day in Spain is on February 1st.

澳大利亚的植树节是在5月份的第一个星期五。Tree Planting Day in Australia is on the first Friday in May.

泰国的植树节是在9月24日。(也是国庆节) Tree Planting Day in Thailand is on September 24th. (also the National Day)

美国的植树节是4月10日。Tree Planting Day in America is on April 10th.

德国的植树节是4月25日。Tree Planting Day in Germany is on April 25th.

日本的植树节在5月4日。Tree Planting Day in Japan is on May 4th.

巴西的植树节则在9月21日。Tree Planting Day in Brazil is on September 21st.


树大成荫鸟来宿,虚怀若谷人来聚。 Big shady birds come and stay, and open-minded people like valleys gather.

种树在路旁,护路遮阴凉。Planting trees by the roadside,protecting the road from shade.

植树造林对我们的学习、工作、生活等方面都有很大的好处。Afforestation of our study,work, life,and so have a great advantage.

经历了多次严重自然灾害后,人们才逐渐意识到植树造林的重要性。People didn't come to realize the importance of planting trees until they(had) experienced a number of serious natural disasters.

造林绿化Afforestation And Land greening

多多栽树,绿化家园。More trees,green home.

人人出力,处处泛绿。 Everyone works hard and everything is green.

植树造林,绿化祖国,造福后代。Plant Trees Everywhere And Make Our Country Green In The Interest Of Future Generations.




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