
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-11 00:42:34



1. What is the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

2. How is the weather today / tomorrow ? 今天/明天天气怎么样

3. What is the temperature ? 今天的温度是多少?

4. Do you think it will rain / snow ? 你认为会下雨/雪吗?

5. It is subzero today. 今天的气温在零度以下

6. The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow . 天气预报说明天有雨

7. I don't set store by weather forecast . 我认为天气预报靠不住

8. It rains a lot here in summer. 这里的夏天经常下雨

9. It’s a warm day today. 今天天气真暖和!

10. It’s a lovely day ! 天气很好呀

11. The weather is better than yesterday. 今天天气比昨天要好

12. It’s rather cold and windy today. 今天风又大又冷

13. It’s about 6 degrees centigrade today. 今天大约6度左右

14. The radio says it is going to rain tomorrow . 广播说明天会下雨

15. It is rather dry in Beijing . 北京的天气很干燥。

16. It’s very hot .天气真热呀



A:Have you heard the weather forecast? 你听天气预报了吗?

B: No, what does it say? 没有,它说什么了?

A: We'll have fine weather for the next few days? 以后几天天气晴朗。

B: But it's still raining today! 可今天还在下雨。

A: It is said it will clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。

B: What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气会怎么样?

A: It says a storm may come next month. 天气预报说下个月会有一场暴风雨。

And it may get colder, it's already November. 并且天气会更冷。

B: Yes, and I hope we can have some snow this winter. 是的,我希望今年冬天会下雪。

A: I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall. 我恐怕天不会冷的下雪。

B: But last year we had a big one. 但去年下了大雪。

A: Yes, but you know global warming may raise the temperature.


B: You are probably right. 你也许是对的。

A: I'm going skating in the Alps next month. 下个月我去阿尔卑斯山滑雪。

I hope the weather there is cold enough. 我希望那儿天气够冷。







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