
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-12 22:21:11

每一天醒来 第一声就是媽媽的笑

Waking up each day, the first sound is Mom's laughter,

温暖的早餐桌 满满的都是爱的味道

A warm breakfast table, filled with the taste of love.


"别忘了你的梦想" 她轻声细语地说

"Don't forget your dreams," she whispers softly,

在这条成长的道路上 妈妈的话总是灯塔

On this path of growth, Mom's words are always the lighthouse.

聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷

Listen to what Mom says, don't let her get hurt,

她的智慧和愛 如陽光一樣溫暖強

Her wisdom and love, warm and strong like the sunlight.

每當迷失方向 想想媽媽的模樣

Whenever you lose your way, think of Mom's face,

她的話語中有力量 帶領我們向前望

Her words have the power to lead us forward with grace.

雨天里的彩虹 妈妈说是天空的微笑

Rainbows in the rain, Mom says are smiles from the sky,

每一次跌倒 她说是为了更强壮的跳

Every fall, she says, is for a stronger leap.

"别怕去冒险" 她总鼓励我勇敢飞翔

"Don't be afraid to take risks," she always encourages me to fly,

妈妈的话语里 有着无穷的力量

Mom's words are filled with endless strength and keep.

当夜晚来临 星星闪烁在天际

As night falls, and stars twinkle in the sky,

妈妈的拥抱 如同温柔的夜晚静谧

Mom's embrace is as gentle as the tranquil night.

每一句话语 都是她爱的证明

Every word she says is proof of her love,

聽媽媽的話 因為愛永遠不會錯

Listen to Mom, for love is never wrong.




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