
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-22 18:47:15




Chapter One opens with the aviator recalling his childhood experiences with drawing, vividly illustrating the misunderstandings and disregard adults have for children's creativity. The aviator describes his passion and talent for drawing as a young child; however, his drawing of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant was misconstrued as a drawing of a hat. This misunderstanding dealt a blow to the aviator's creativity and self-confidence, gradually extinguishing his interest in drawing.

This portrayal raises reflections on how adults approach children's creativity. Adults tend to interpret children's artwork through their own perspectives, disregarding the unique viewpoints and imagination of children. This misunderstanding extends beyond drawing and encompasses the undervaluing of children's innocence and independent thinking abilities. Through the aviator's experiences, this recollection unveils the repression and constraints imposed by the adult world upon the hearts and minds of children.



  1. misconstrued - 误解
  2. vividly - 生动地
  3. creativity - 创造力
  4. self-confidence - 自信心
  5. extinguishing - 扑灭
  6. reflections - 反思
  7. approach - 对待
  8. perspectives - 观点
  9. disregarding - 忽视
  10. undervaluing - 低估
  11. innocence - 天真
  12. independent thinking - 独立思考
  13. constraints - 限制
  14. repression - 压抑
  15. hearts and minds - 心灵




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