
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-25 20:23:33




《纽约时报》:China reached a milestone in space exploration on Thursday, landing a vehicle on the far side of the moon for the first time in history, the country’s space agency announced.

The landing of the probe, called Chang’e-4 after the moon goddess in Chinese mythology, is one in a coming series of missions that underscore the country’s ambitions to join is one— and even lead — the space race.

第二段就一个句子,句子主干是The landing is one(mission),具体来分析一下:①The landing of the probe, ②called Chang’e-4 ③after the moon goddess in Chinese mythology,④ is one⑤ in a coming series of missions ⑥that underscore the country’s ambitions ⑦to join— and even lead — the space race.其中,①是整个句子的主语,②是过去分词作后置定语,修饰的是the probe,③after在这里的用法是“To be named after someone means to be given the same name as them. 以 (同样的名字命名)”,指这个探测器是“以中国神话故事里月亮女神“嫦娥”的名字来命名的”,④是这个句子的系表部分,⑤介词短语,⑥是定语从句修饰限定missions,⑦不定式作后置定语,修饰ambitions.


The Chang’e-4 is the first to touch down on the side of the moon that perpetually faces away from the Earth.


​​再看《华盛顿邮报》:The moon is tidally locked to Earth, rotating at the same rate that it orbits our planet, so the far side - or the "dark side" - is never visible from Earth. Previous spacecraft have seen the far side of the moon but none has landed on it.

The landing "lifted the mysterious veil" from the far side of the moon, and "opened a new chapter in human lunar exploration", the broadcaster said.

《卫报》也有一篇文章对 "dark side"进行了说明:The moon’s far side is sometimes known as the dark side, although it is not darker than the near side in any literal sense. It undergoes the same phases of illumination by the Sun as the side facing Earth. But because the moon spins on its axis at exactly the same rate as it orbits Earth, one side remains permanently out of view.





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