
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-25 21:40:51


序数词来源于基数词。开始学习英语的时候,总是有几个基数词写错。one two three four five six seven eight nine ten zero eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty thirty-five forty forty-one fifty-three sixty-one seventy-five eighty-two ninety-nine one hundred

上面这些基数词中有几个地方要注意:five fifteen fifty 把ve变成了f再加teen和ty的。four fourteen forty 把our 变成or 再加teen和ty的。


first second third

fourth fifth sixth ...eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth twentieth twenty–first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth one hundredth



第四开始都是➕th, 第九去e, 再加th。

第五 ,第十二,把ve 改为f, 再加th


以ty结尾的数词,一定要记得把y改为i,再加eth三个字母。如:twentieth thirtieth

第100,one hundredth

三,用法 序数词左边要有定冠词the,表示第几

  1. Sunday is the first day of the week. 星期天是一周的第一天。
  2. Monday is the second day of the week. 星期一是一周的第二天。
  3. January is the first month of the year. 一月份是一年的第一个月。
  4. December is the twelfth month of the year. 十二月份是一年中的第十二个月。
  5. Today is my cousin's sixtieth birthday.今天是我的表哥第六十个生日。
  6. March 29, 2024 is my father's ninetieth birthday. 2024年3月29日是我爸的第90个生日。


  1. Yang Liwei is the first Chinese astranaut to land on the moon. 杨利伟是中国第一个登上月球的宇航员。
  2. Mary is the second student to get to school today. 马丽是今天第二个到校的学生。
  3. Lucy is the fifth girl to give a performance. 露西是第五个表演的女孩。
  4. Mr. Lee is the first teacher to go abroad for further eduation. 李先生是第一个到国外深造的老师。

五,a ➕序数词 表示又一个

  1. Yesterday we went to three shops to buy a skirt,but we failed to buy a good one. Then we went to a fourth shop, and we got a very beautiful one. 昨天我们去了三个商店买裙子。但是,我们没有买到好看的裙子。后来,我们又去了一家店,并且买到一件非常漂亮的裙子。
  2. Mrs. Brown has two children, and last year she had a third son. 布朗太太已经有了两个小孩了,去年又生了一个儿子。
  3. My sister failed the exam last year. Today he tried a second time. 我妹妹去年考试没有及格,今天她又去试了一下。
  4. Kate was the first student to hand in her examination paper yesterday.昨天凯特是第一个交卷的学生。





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