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The Industrial Revolution, the period in which agrarian and handicraft economies shifted rapidly to industrial and machine-manufacturing-dominated ones, began in the United Kingdom in the 18th century and later spread throughout many other parts of the world. This economic transformation changed not only how work was done and goods were produced, but it also altered how people related both to one another and to the planet at large. This wholesale change in societal organization continues today, and it has produced several effects that have rippled throughout Earth’s political, ecological, and cultural spheres. The following list describes some of the great benefits as well as some of the significant shortcomings associated with the Industrial Revolution.

工业革命是指农业和手工业经济向工业和机器制造业为主的经济快速转变的时期,始于 18 世纪的英国,后来蔓延到世界许多其他地区。这种经济转型不仅改变了工作方式和商品生产方式,而且改变了人们相互之间以及与整个地球的关系。这种社会组织的整体变化一直持续到今天,并产生了一些影响,波及到地球的政治、生态和文化领域。以下清单描述了与工业革命相关的一些巨大好处以及一些重大缺点。


1、Pro: Goods Became More Affordable and More Accessible 优点1:商品变得更实惠、更容易获得2、Pro: The Rapid Evolution of Labor-Saving Inventions 优点2:省力发明的迅速进化3、Pro: The Rapid Evolution of Medicine 优点3:医学的迅速进化4、Pro: Enhanced Wealth and Quality of Life of the Average Person 优点4:提高普通人的健康和生活品质5、Pro: The Rise of Specialist Professions 优点5:专门职位的增加1、Con: Overcrowding of Cities and Industrial Towns 缺点1:城市和工业城镇过度拥挤2、Con: Pollution and Other Environmental Ills 缺点2:污染以及其他的环境问题3、Con: Poor Working Conditions 缺点3:糟糕的工作条件4、Con: The Rise in Unhealthy Habits 缺点4:不健康的习惯增加

引自:Rafferty, John P.. "The Rise of the Machines: Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution". Encyclopedia Britannica, 30 Sep. 2017, https://www.britannica.com/story/the-rise-of-the-machines-pros-and-cons-of-the-industrial-revolution. Accessed 6 March 2024.




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