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Want to understand power in the 21st century? Look at PizzaExpress

How workers reacted to trends in hospitality signals how politics will change more broadly

Summary Day-2 April 7,2022

T In this article, Stephen discussed power and money shift in the 21st century, in particular since the digital era and the pandemic.


Stephen Bush, the author, shared his personal experience, which demonstrates how power can threaten people to make a compromise.

However, employees from PizzaExpress took a new approach to solve the dilemma.

Under the influence of coronavirus, many restaurants have redistributed tips between waiters and skilled cooks. Thanks to the back of trade union Unite, the waiting staff will retain 70 per cent of service charges.

The author argues that the stand you take may present who you are.

Before the uprising of electronic payments, Waiters may dominate the distribution of tips, and even decide the amount of money needed to be declared to the state. Since mobile payment became widespread, waiters realized that they are no longer able to hide tips from neither their backroom colleagues, bosses nor the government. This comes as a big disadvantage to them. Stephen brought up a question how those losers from these social and economic changes react. He argues that the changes in hospitality is only a microcosm of wider pressures.

Since the ease if the pandemic, inflation rises up. As inflation skyrockets, skilled workers (in the PizzaExpress case, chefs) compared to those low-skilled, first-tier, and replaceable labours, are harder to be found. Those who’re credential enough now want higher wages and have a bigger say in the workplace; businesses are prioritizing their needs, simply because they need skills desperately to refill productivity.

随着通货膨胀率的飙升,与那些低技能的,第一线的,可替代的劳动力相比,技术工人(在PizzaExpress 的案例中是厨师)更难找到了。那些有足够资历的人现在想要更高的工资,在工作场所有更大的发言权;企业优先考虑他们的需求,只是因为他们迫切需要技能来重新填充生产力。

The disadvantaged groups may gain support from the Union. Though some people or private sectors may blame the Union for the inflation. The union still can be treated as a regulator for most people, to response to inflation and increased cost-of-living pressure.




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