visit作为名词的用法,visit跟visit to用法的区别

首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-30 20:11:37

61、How about ___A_____the Great wall next week?

A a visit to B visiting to C paying a visit D visit to

how about中about为介词,后面须接名词或动名词。visit既可作名词,又可做动词,作名词时为可数名词,作动词时为及物动词。注意:visit=pay a visit to.

62、He is _____D______ go to school.

A too young for B so young a boy that he can C such young that he can’t D such a young boy that he can’t

too…to…太...而不能,so(such) …that…如此…以致,not adj/adv enough没有足够的…以致不能…,这几个句型通常可以进行句型转换。注意:so为副词,后面须接形容词或副词;such为形容词,后面须接名词,包括可数名词单数、复数以及不可数名词。只有在such修饰可数名词单数时才可以和so进行句型转换,如such a young boy=so young a boy.而such beautiful flowers 不能说成so beautiful flowers.

63、He ____C_____his homework until 9 o’clock last night.

A finished B didn’t finish to do C didn’t finish D finished doing

not…until 直到…才,用于瞬间动词的否定句中;…until,用于延续性动词的肯定句中。如:He stayed at home until his father came back last night. finsh(doing)sth完成做某事,后接名词或动名词。

64、Our teacher often tells us __B_____the school rules.

A not breaking B not to break C not break D to break

tell的句型:tell sb sth, tell sb about sth, tell sth to sb, tell sb (not)to do tsh.类似的句型有:ask sb(not) to do sth

65、The teacher kept Xiao Ming ____D_____in front of the classroom for 2 hours yesterday afternoon.

A to stand B stand C stood D standing

keep的句型:keep sth, keep doing sth , keep on doing sth, keep sb/sth adj作宾补, keep adj作表语,keep sb doing sth,使某人处于做某事的状态。

66、Doing exercise can __C______you keep fit.

A let B have C make D get

let,have,make,get,leave均可作使役动词,其中let,have,make sb/sth do sth,动词不定式作宾补要省略to,而get,leave sb/sth to do sth, 动词不定式不能省略to;5个动词均有使某人、让某人做某事,但用法上有所区别与侧重。let sb do sth,leave sb to do sth 一般用于祈使句和口语中,意为让某人做某事,含有允许之意,如let him go,let me go out for a walk,leave him to make a dicision等;have sb do sth含有邀请、请求某人做某事的意思,比较中性的词;如:We often have our friends come to our house to have dinner together. make sb/sth do sth=get sb/sth to do sth,意思中带有强迫、迫使、命令的口气使某人做某事。例如:What made you change your mind? Their teacher got them all to give a short talk about their holiday.

67、The sports meeting will____B_____because of the bad weather.

A put off B be put off C be put down D put away

put off 延期、推迟,这里是被延期、推迟,所以要用被动语态。put down 放下,写下;put away收起来,放好。

68、Xiao Ming is on his way____C______.

A to home B to succeed C to succeeding in achieving his dream D to succeed in achieving his dream

on one’s home,home为副词,前面的介词要省略;on one’s way to sp/sth, on one’s way to doing sth, to为介词,后接名词或动名词。意思为:在去某地或做某事的路上。

69、I keep in touch with my friends ____C____.

A by emails B by an email C by email D with emails

by 单数可数名词或交通工具时,前面不用冠词。

70、Tom is looking forward ____C____Guilin next summer vacation.

A to visit B visiting C to visiting D visiting to

look forward to (doing) sth期待、盼望做某事,to为介词,后接名词或动名词。




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