
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-31 20:51:30

Love is a divine energy. I had a very vague idea about love initially. As I tried to understand more about it, a completely different perspective and thinking develops that explains the true essence of love. I have come to know from spiritual literature that love is Nature and Nature is love. It appears too abstract in the first instance, but more we tend to think of Nature will make us to love Nature and all other creations of Nature. It is like energy flowing within us derived from Ultimate that thinks positive and helps in inner purification. Albert Einstein discovered energy mass equation that explains interconnection of material and energy. It revolutionized the thinking of present century by using a small amount of mass to derive a tremendous energy. Hence, along with our material existence, somewhere we are also part of the divine energy lying within us as dormant. Logically, this divine energy which is nothing but love brings us close to Ultimate. I can imagine that every one of us has a great capacity of this divine love within us, but it is hidden, untapped and misdirected. Great saints have worked on human beings from time to time by developing intense feeling of love and concern for others. This has helped them to achieve higher levels of spiritual growth and closeness with the ultimate. The true meaning of love is inner purification of soul. This is the real purpose of love.

爱是一种神圣美好的力量。我开始对爱只有一种模糊的想法。当我试图了解爱更深层次的含义时,一个完全不同的视角和思想的产生解释了爱的真正精髓。 我从阅读灵性文学认识到,爱即造物主,造物主即爱。开始,这看起来似乎很抽象,但是我们越想着造物主,造物主就使我们更加热爱他及他所创造的万物。这就像在我们身体中流动的能量,这种能量来自人体的终极境界。它积极地给身体以思考,而且净化我们的内心。阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦发现了能量质量方程,它解释了物质和能量之间的交互关联。它革命性地告知人们,当今世界可以用最小量的物质产生巨大的能量。 因此,同物质的存在一样,我们身体的某一个地方,一部分神圣的力量在主宰着我们。从逻辑上讲,这种神圣的力量就是爱,它使我们无限地接近终极境界。我可以想象, 我们每个人内心都有这种神圣的爱的力量,但它是隐藏着的,原封未动的而且收到错误的引导。贤达之人一直在研究人类,他们的目的是开发人类浓烈的爱的情感和对他人的关爱之情。这使得他们成就了更高的精神修为水准,而且距离终极境界更近。 爱的真正含义是灵魂和内心的纯净。这才是爱的真正目的。


We imagine women in love as beautiful, sacrificing and never arguing. The media depicts love based on physical attraction. In actual life situation, things are different. Love does not mean that there will not be any differences and the other person will always remain dumb. It does not mean that a person not very handsome or beautiful will be less attractive and loving in nature. The attractiveness of a person is depicted from overall personality that is a combination of physical looks, positive attitude and confidence. The love stories as reflected in media and narrated by other persons do mostly narrate physical aspect of love. It does not emphasize on the emotional closeness and spiritual part of the love which is more subtle and enduring. Our perception of love is thus limited in nature.




Life is not always about happy or sad situation. It has its own moments of ups and down. How to adjust in each situation and take it in stride will greatly affect the quality of life and relationship with other people. The perception of love as being devoid of any problem, trouble and pain is thus misconception. People feel more and more pain as they are not able to live in love in relationship with other people. Our perception of love has to change. We have to live with all the problems that we face in unison, sort out our differences and make change in our life style to bring semblance of love and tolerance in our attitude. We have to meet the need of soul to develop spiritual love for other persons which goes beyond the physical attraction.








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