
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 01:33:19


——What’s that on the desk?

——It’s my father’s hat.

笔者前几天在网上浏览一篇‘What Does Bullying in Schools Look Like?(校园霸凌是什么样子?)的文章,发现文中有这么一句‘Her 10-year-old started to burst into tears at the drop of a hat, act out at home, and make excuses to skip school, she recalls.’,我随即问了几位学生是否明白at the drop of a hat的确切意思,几乎都不知道。过后我不禁沉思起来,作为英语教师,我们只让学生了解课本所学词义远远不够,若无大量阅读作为语言理解的保证,学生是无法真正领会英语语言的真正内涵,这与我们汉语一样。作为教师,除了要求学生掌握课本所学内容之外,一定要求他们课余时间必须进行大量的英语阅读,既要保证阅读数量,更要保证其阅读质量。惟此,学生对英语的理解才能知己知彼,瞬间领会作者之意或对方的真正言下之意。

上面那句中的at the drop of a hat的意思为‘at once’, ‘immediately’或‘in no time’。


a) We took off our hats to their courage and daring.

b) He approached the boss, hat in hand.

c) I'll tell you the real story, but keep it under your hat.

d) He is talking through his hat when he says he'll make the team.

e) James felt so nervous as he walked to the brass hats standing on deck.

由此可见,英语俚语用词很简单,大多为常用词语,也就是我们常说的高频词语,在英美影视作品、小说、文章、新闻报道以及日常会话中随处可见,英美人对此早已司空见惯,作为我们中国的英语学习者,若想准确理解这些言语内涵,惟有多阅读,多看视频,多听语音材料和多交流,英语水平才会有质的飞跃,就不会犯张冠李戴的错误,更不会弄得贻笑大方的尴尬局面。We should try our best to make them—the students know what the difference between this ‘hat’ and that ‘hat’ in English.





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