
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 01:34:26

我们想要跟别人说你又来了,是不是直接按照字面意思理解为come again,老外地道英语表达可不是这么说的。


come again是什么意思?

“come again”常用来表达“再来一次”的意思,特别是在请求对方重复刚才说的话或重复做某事时。例如,当某人没有听清楚或理解某句话时,可能会说“come again”来请求对方再重复一遍。

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you come again?


  1. come true:实现,成真。

When my dream came true, I felt extremely happy.


  1. come from:源自,来自某处。

She comes from a small town in the countryside.


  1. come back:回来,返回。

I'll come back home after work.(我下班后回家。)

  1. come out:出来,出版,结果是。

The new book will come out next month.(新书下个月出版。)

  1. come into:进入,继承。

She came into a large fortune when her uncle died.


  1. come about:发生,产生。

How did the accident come about?(这场事故是怎么发生的?)

  1. come across:偶然遇到,发现。

I came across an old friend in the supermarket.(我在超市偶然遇到了一位老朋友。)

  1. come down:(价格、水平或数量)下降,低落。

The temperature came down after the rain.(雨后气温下降了。)

  1. come on:快点,来吧,加油。

Come on, we need to hurry up!(快点,我们需要抓紧时间!)

  1. come up:走近,发生,被提出。

A new idea came up during the discussion.(在讨论中出现了一个新想法。)




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