
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 01:52:38




1, 金额,距离,体积,重量,面积,数量,国家,人名,机构,事件,作品时,单数

Two dollars is enough 两美元是足够的

Two meters is long 两米很长

Two kilos is heavy 两公斤很重

Twenty-one is a big number 21是一个很大的数字

The United States is a big country 美国是一个大的国家


Reading books is good for you 阅读书对你来说很好

To study English well is necessary去学习好英语是很有必要的。

2, 不定代词:

No one is here 没有一个人在这里

3, 人类,世界上的人类

Only man thinks how to be better 只有人类才思考如何变得更好。

4, 其他用法

1, Many a singer has been here 许多歌手都到过这里。

2, More than one boy has the book 不止一个男孩有这本书

3, More boys than one does housework at home不止一个男孩在家都是做家务的。

4, One and a half apples is here 还有一个半的苹果在这里。

5,a boy or two has been here 一两个学生到过这里。

5, one or two boys have been here 一两个学生到过这里


1, 集体名词:

The police are chasing the thief 警察正在追捕这个小偷

2, 专有名词:

The Himalayas is a big mountain喜马拉雅是一个很大的山。

3, the 加形容词(国家的,民族的)

The rich are here 有钱人们都在这里

The Chinese are the best 中华民族是最棒的


1, three fourths books are here 四分之三的书是在这里的。

2,a quantity/an amount of books is here 大量的书在这里

2, Quantities/amounts of books are here 大量的书在这里

3, The majority is /are here大多数人在这里

4, This kind of books is good =books of this kind are good 这种书很好。

5, My trousers are wet 我的裤子湿了

6, A pair of trousers is wet 一条裤子湿了。

7, two and two is four 二加二是四。

8, One of my books which are blue 我的一本书是蓝色的。

9, Only one of my books is blue 我唯一的一本书是蓝色的。

10, all students go to school except Tom sleeps at home 除了汤姆在家睡觉,所有的学生都去上课了。


1He is her brother and friend 他既是他的兄弟也是他的朋友

2, Her brother and her friend are here 他的兄弟和他的朋友都在这里。

3, Many a boy and many a girl likes reading books 许多男孩和女孩都喜欢读书

4, The new is strange 新生事物总是很奇怪的。

5, The family are watching TV 这一家人正在看电视。

6, The family is a happy one 这个家庭是一个快乐的一家

7, The population of China is 1 billion 中国的人口是10个亿

8, Two thirds of the population are/is here三分之二的人口在这里。

9, none of the students is/are here 没有学生在这里

10, None of milk is here 没有牛奶在这里。

11, Neither of books are/is good 这两本书也没有好的。

12, the number of books is fifty 书的数量是五十

13, a number of books are here 许多书在这里

14, An average of 10 students play computer games in your class every day 每天平均有10个学生在你的班里玩电脑游戏。

15, The average of 8and 14 is11

16, This works is so big 这个工厂很大

17, Many works are big 许多工厂都很大。

18, What I want to have is your book 我想要的是你的那本书

19, What I want to have are your books 我想要的是你的那些书。

20.What I want and what I have to know are so important


20, How and why he can be successful is a long story 他为什么并且如何成功是一个很长的故事。

21, When and where you can find him is a question 你在哪里什么时候能找到他,那是一个问题。


Not only 。。。but also 不仅。。。而且

Neither 。。。nor。。。既不。。。也不。。。

Not。。。。but 。。。。不是。。。而是。。。

There be 那有。。。




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