forever的简写,forever 缩写

首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 02:30:02



IT:信息技术(Information Technology)

PC:个人电脑(Personal Computer)


CPU:中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)

www:环球信息网/万维网(World Wide Web)

WiFi:无线网络/无线保真技术(Wireless Fidelity)

CD:光盘/激光唱片(Compact Disk)

DJ:音乐节目主持人(Disc Jockey)

VCD:录像光盘(Video Compact Disk)

VCR:盒式磁带录像(Video Cassette Recorder)

MV:音乐短片(Music Video)

KTV:卡拉OK(Karaok TV)


GPS:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

ETC:不停车收费系统(Electronic Toll Collection)

ABS:防锁死刹车系统(Antilock Brake System)

SUV:运动型多用途轿车(Sport Utility Vehicle)

BRT:快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)

LRT:轻轨公交系统(Light Rail Transit)


PRC:中华人民共和国(The PEople's RePublic of China)

HK:香港(Hong Kong)



UK:英国(United Kingdom)

US:美国(United States)

USA:美国(United States of America)

EU:欧洲联盟/欧盟(European Union)

UN:联合国(United Nations)

WTO:世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)

WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)

CIA:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)

FBI:美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of investigation)

FDA:食品药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration)

ICAC:廉政公署(Independent Commission Against Corruption)

OPEC:石油输出国组织/欧佩克(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)公司和协会类缩写

EMS:邮政特快专递(Express Mail Service)

CCTV:中国中央电视台(China Central Television)

CBA:中国篮球协会(Chinese Basketball Association)

NBA:美国篮球协会(National Basketball Association)

BbC:英国广播公司(British Broad-casting Corporation)第二个字母特意改成小写

VOA:美国之音(Voice of America)

IOC:国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)

ISBN:国际标准书号(International Standard Book number)


BbQ = barbecue 烤肉 (第二个字母特意改成小写,不然算不文明用语)

PIN = Personal Identity number 个人识别码

ATM = automatic teller machine 自动存提款机

A.K.A = also known as以..之名,又叫做。

GG = good game 一场好游戏

FYI = for your information 供你参考的意思(通常 FYI 会用大写)

FAQ = frEQuently asked questions 常见问题

Q&A = Question and Answers 提问与回答

RIP = rest in peace 安息


LOL (laughing out loud) 笑死我了

BFF (best friend(s) forever) 永远是最好的朋友,友谊长存

OMG (oh my god) 我的天啊

SO(significant other) 另一半

BYOB = bring your own beer/booze 带你自己的酒过来

PLZ = please 请

L8R =Later 晚些、稍后

IDK 我不知道

IMAO = laugh my ass off 笑到不行

NP =no problem) 不谢,没关系

THX = thanks 谢啦

L8R = later / see you later 掰啦,再见

CU = see you 掰掰。也常拼写为 CYA(see ya)。

BRB (be right back) 马上回来

BTW (by the way)顺带一提

TTYL (talk to you later) 晚点再聊

XOXO (hugs and kisses) 抱抱亲亲


ASAP = as soon as possible 越快越好

RSVP = please reply 请回覆

IMHO (in my humble opinion)这是我个人浅见

ISO (in search of) 寻找

E.g. = example 举例来说

i.e. = that is, restate an idea 换言之

etc. = et cetera. = and so forth 等等


attn: = attention: 收件者

re: = regarding: 有关于…

Asst. = Assistant 助理

Dir. = Direction 指导

Mgr. = Manager 经理

dept. = department 部门

bldg. = building 大楼

CEO = Chief Executive Officer 总裁;执行长

CFO = Chief Financial Officer 财务总监

COO = Chief Operating Officer 执行总监

CIO = Chief Information Officer 技术总监

ETA = estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间

HQ= headquarters 总部

MSRP = manufacturer’s suggested retail price 建议售价

SOP = standard operating procedure 标准作业流程

YTD = year-to-date 年初至今

CPA = chartered public accountant 註册会计师

No. = Number 号

N/A = Not applicable 不适用

PR = Public relations 公共关系


Gonna = going to 表示即将做某件事

Wanna = want to 想要

Gotta = got to (或have to ) 必须

Hafta = Have to 必须

Coulda = Could have 本来可能

Shoulda = Should have 本来应该

Woulda = Would have 本来可以

Musta = Must have 一定是

Losta = Lost of (= A lot of)很多

Sorta = Sort of = Kind of 一点点




DIY:自己动手/自助服务(Do it Yourself)

ET:外星人(Extra Terrestrial)

ID:身份证(Identification Card)

IQ:智商(Intelligence Quotient)

EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient)

PE:体育(Physical Education)

KFC:肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)

DNA:遗传基因组织(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

GMT:格林威治时间或国际标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)

GDP:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)

SOS:求救信号(Save Our Soul)

UFO:不明飞行物(Unknown Flying Object)

VIP:重要人物/贵宾(Very Important Person)

WC:厕所(Water Closet)

CEO:首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)

CFO:首席财务官 (Chief Finance Officer)

COO:首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)

CTO:首席技术官 (Chief Technology Officer)

PhD:博士(Philosophy Doctor)

MBA:工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)

MPA:公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)

中国人民银行:PBC(The People s Bank of China)

中国建设银行:CCB(China Construction Bank)

中国农业银行:ABC(Agriculture Bank of China)

中国工商银行:ICBC(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)

中国银行:BOC(Bank of China)

交通银行:BCM(Bank of Communications)

招商银行:CMB(China Merchants Bank)

forever的简写,forever 缩写(1)




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