
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 02:34:27

VOR comes from Latin verb vorare "to swallow", From PIE root *gwora- "food, devouring". 同义词根有来自拉丁语ed/es和希腊语phag.



devour [dɪ'vaʊɚ] v. 吞食; 毁灭; 吞没 CET6 TEM4

[拆] de(down) vour/vor(swallow) -> swallow down(吞下去)->狼吞虎咽的吃; 吞噬


v-t if a person or animal devours something, they eat it quickly and eagerly. 狼吞虎咽地吃; v-t if you devour a book or magazine, for example, you read it quickly and with great enthusiasm. 急切地读


The hungry boy devoured his dinner. 那个男孩饿了, 他狼吞虎咽地吃了晚饭

voracity [vɔ'ræsəti] n. 贪食,贪婪 GRE

[拆] vor(swallow) ac(Latin ax表示incline to) ity(法语词后缀ite: n后缀) -> incline to表示一种倾向后引申喜欢 -> 喜欢吃; 吃的多的 -> 贪婪、贪食


voracious [və'reʃəs] adj. 贪婪的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的


It's a kind of social curiosity, an intellectual voracity. 这是一种对社会的好奇心,一种知识上的贪娈.

carnivorous [kɑrˈnɪvərəs] adj. 食肉的;肉食性的 TOEFL

[拆] carn(meat) vor(swallow) ous(adj后缀) -> 食肉的


adj carnivorous animals eat meat. 食肉的 [技术]; adj carnivorous can be used, especially humorously, to describe someone who eats meat. (幽默方式描述某人)食肉的


carnivorous animals 食肉动物

carnivore ['kɑrnɪvɔr] n 食肉动物

omnivorous [ɑm'nɪvərəs] adj. 杂食的;什么都读的;无所不吃的 GRE

[拆] omni(all) vor(swallow) ous(adj后缀) -> 什么都吃 -> 杂食性的


adj an omnivorous person or animal eats all kinds of food, including both meat and plants. 杂食的 [技术] [正式]; adj omnivorous means liking a wide variety of things of a particular type. (在某一方面)兴趣广泛的 [正式]●e.g.

As a child, coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits. 柯尔律治从孩提时期便养成了广泛阅读的习惯

herbivorous ['hɝbɪvərəs] adj. [动] 食草的 TEM8 考研

[拆] herb(grass) i vor(swallow) ous(adj后缀) -> 食草的


adj herbivorous animals only eat plants. 食草的●拓展

herbivore [ɝbəˌvɔr] n. [动] 食草动物


The camel is a herbivorous animal. 骆驼是一种食虫动物

insectivorous [,ɪnsek'tɪv(ə)rəs] adj. [动] 食虫的,以虫类为食的;食虫动植物的 TOEFL

[拆] insect(昆虫) i vor(swallow) ous(adj后缀) -> 食虫的


adj feeding on or adapted for feeding on insects 食虫的●e.g.

Swallows are insectivorous. 燕子以虫为食

每日 · 一句

Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.

读书使人充实, 讨论使人机智, 笔记使人准确。





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