
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 14:50:22

George's favourtte toy is Mr. Dinosaur乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生

Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur.有时候乔治喜欢用恐龙先生吓唬佩奇

At suppertime,Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George.吃晚饭的时候,恐龙先生坐在乔治身旁

beg your pardon?Was that you George, or was it Mr. Dinosaur?这是谁发出的声音?是你吗?乔治,还是恐龙先生呢

George shares his bath with Mr.Dinosaur.乔治和恐龙先生一起洗

George's favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the alir,and Catching him,when he falls back down乔治最喜欢的游戏,就是把恐龙先生扔到空中,在他掉下来的时候,把他接住

Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.佩奇正在和猪爸爸下棋呢

George, what's the matter?乔治出什么事情了

George, have you lost Mr. Dinosaur?乔治 你把恐龙先生弄丢了

It's a job for a detective.现在该轮到侦探出场了

should ask George some simple questfons你应该问乔治一些简单的问题

George always has Mr. Dinosaur in his bed at night.乔治总是在晚上睡觉的时候让恐龙先生陪着

Maybe we should try the garden也许我们应该去花园里找一找

Maybe it isn't a good idea to play with dinosaurs near trees.看来在树的附近和恐龙先生玩真不是一个好主意


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