
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-04-26 11:12:01


所谓坐底,是在综合考虑潜水器速度、姿态和海底地质情况下,让潜水器人为地在海底着陆(land at the seabed)。

在载人潜水器(manned submersible)方面,我国先后研制了“蛟龙”号、“深海勇士”号,“奋斗者”号是我国新一代载人潜水器。此外,我国还有“海斗”号、“海燕”号和“海翼”号等无人潜水器(unmanned submersible)。

与其相关的“深潜技术”(deep-dive technology),指在深海环境利用深潜器(deep-diving submersible)进行水下考察(underwater exploration)、海底勘探(seabed exploration)、海底开发和打捞(seabed development and salvage)、救生(rescue)等任务的技术。

The world's current deepest diving manned submersible is DSV Limiting Factor, which reached 10,927 meters last year.目前,世界上下潜最深的潜水器是“深潜限制因子”号,去年曾下潜至10927米的深度。


The submersible, together with the mother ships Exploration 1 and Exploration 2, set off from Sanya, Hainan province, for the 10,000-meter-deep-sea diving operation on Oct 10.10月10日,“奋斗者”号与“探索一号”“探索二号”母船一起,从海南三亚启程开展万米级海试。

The submersible first broke the 10,000-meter milestone by descending to 10,058 meters at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean on Oct 27.10月27日,“奋斗者”号在西太平洋马里亚纳海沟首次成功下潜突破1万米,达10058米。

研究生导师指导行为准则 code of conduct for postgraduates' supervisors


Supervisors shoulder the primary responsibility in cultivating postgraduate students and the important task of nurturing high-end and innovative talent, the Ministry of Education said.教育部指出,研究生导师是研究生培养的第一责任人,肩负着为国家培养高层次创新人才的重要使命。




should not present speeches or actions that go against the Party's theories and policies, violate State laws and regulations, damage the image of the Party and the State, or deviate from the core socialist values.不得有违背党的理论和路线方针政策、违反国家法律法规、损害党和国家形象、背离社会主义核心价值观的言行;

should not organize or participate in any activity that may compromise the fairness and impartiality of examination and admissions不得组织或参与任何有可能损害考试招生公平公正的活动;

should not neglect to supervise and advise graduate students on their academic progress and the academic problems they face不得对研究生的学业进程及面临的学业问题疏于监督和指导;

should not ask students to do things irrelevant to their academic study, scientific research and social service不得要求研究生从事与学业、科研、社会服务无关的事务;

should not purposely delay students' graduation不得违规随意拖延研究生毕业时间;

should not violate the academic standards or harm the academic research rights and interests of graduate students不得有违反学术规范、损害研究生学术科研权益等行为;

should not submit dissertations that do not meet academic standards and quality requirements for review and defense不得将不符合学术规范和质量要求的学位论文提交评审和答辩;

should not make misrepresentation, fraudulent claim, or misappropriation of research funds or other expenses in the name of graduate students不得以研究生名义虚报、冒领、挪用、侵占科研经费或其他费用;

should not humiliate students不得侮辱研究生人格;

should not have inappropriate relationships with students不得与研究生发生不正当关系。

准则强调,对违反准则的导师,培养单位要依规采取约谈、限招(limit the number of students they can supervise)、停招直至取消导师资格(disqualify them from supervising any students)等处理措施;对情节严重、影响恶劣的,一经查实,要坚决清除出教师队伍(be banned from teaching);涉嫌违法犯罪的移送司法机关处理(transferred to judicial authorities)。

冬季疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control in the winter


China is likely to see sporadic outbreaks of scattered infections throughout the winter and to experience regional outbreaks. To tackle the risks, the country will carry out a public health and hygiene campaign in the coming seasons to help prevent COVID-19 and other seasonal infectious diseases, Li said at a press briefing.李斌表示,今冬我国将处于疫情零星散发状态,局部地区可能发生聚集性疫情。为了应对这些风险,我国将在冬春季开展公共卫生专项行动,防止新冠肺炎以及其他季节性传染病的传播。


这里的sporadic是形容词,表示“happening sometimes; not regular or continuous”,即“偶尔发生的;不规律、不连续的”,与occasional意思接近,不过sporadic的意思要比occasional略广,它既可以表示“零星的”,也可以表示“偶然的,不规律的”,但occasional通常只用来表示“偶然的,不规律的”。比如:His job requires occasional trips to the West Coast.这句话中的occasional就可以用sporadic来替换,但是表达“零星的病例”sporadic outbreaks的时候,我们通常不会用occasional来替换。



China's flu vaccine production this year has doubled compared with last year, reaching a five-year high.今年国家流感疫苗生产和去年相比翻了一番,产量是近五年来最多的一年。

About 25 million doses of flu vaccines had been used nationwide to vaccinate people by Nov 9, which is almost equal to last year's total.截至11月9日,全国流感疫苗接种量约2500万剂,已经接近去年的接种量。


The National Health Commission will intensify nucleic acid tests on staff at quarantine sites, workers involved in handling cold-chain imports and other imported goods, in tandem with regular tests on high-risk groups, including close contacts of confirmed cases, incoming passengers and people with a fever.在继续做好针对密接人群、入境旅客以及发热人员等高风险人群常规检测的同时,国家卫健委将加大对隔离场所工作人员、进口冷链食品及进口货物接触人员的核酸检测力度。

In addition, tests on environmental samples taken from medical institutions, agricultural markets and cold-chain facilities will be stepped up, he said, adding that comprehensive disinfection on imported cold products will be enforced.


Virus control measures at key venues deemed at higher risk of the virus's spread, including schools, nursing homes and charity facilities for people with disabilities, should be strengthened to stamp out potential infection clusters.



"We do not recommend people touring abroad. For those who have to go abroad for humanitarian purposes or other reasons, it is important for them to take good self-protective measures and have full knowledge of COVID-19 prevention and control policies at their countries of destination", Luo Zhaohui, vice-foreign minister, said at a news conference.外交部副部长罗照辉表示,不主张大家出国旅行旅游。由于一些人道主义或不得已的原因必须要出国的,做好防护,充分了解目的地国防疫政策,这一点非常重要。

Li said control and prevention efforts will only be strengthened due to higher risks of imported infections during the winter, which is also a peak season for other respiratory infections.李斌表示,冬季病毒输入风险更高,同时也是其他呼吸道疾病高发期,疫情防控举措只会更严格。

区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

After eight years of negotiations, 15 Asia-Pacific countries signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on Nov 15, the world's biggest trade pact. The agreement involves all 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and five of its major trading partners-China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.


出售荣耀 Honor brand sold



Over 30 agents and dealers of Huawei's Honor brand have acquired all business assets of the budget cellphone brand, according to the joint statement.联合声明指出,30余家荣耀代理商、经销商完成对荣耀品牌相关业务资产的全面收购。荣耀是华为旗下一款经济型手机品牌。


这里的budget cellphone中的budget跟航空领域的budget airlines的用法一样,都是形容词,表示“价格低廉的,花钱少的”。Budget更常见的用法是名词或动词,表示“预算”或“做预算、规划”,比如government budget(政府预算),a weekly budget for a family of five(五口之家一周的花销预算);budget your time wisely(合理规划你的时间),budget a new hospital(拨出预算建一所新医院)等。


"This acquisition represents a market-driven investment made to save Honor's industry chain. It is the best solution to protect the interests of Honor's consumers, channel sellers, suppliers, partners and employees," according to the joint statement.此次收购既是荣耀相关产业链发起的一场自救和市场化投资,能最大化地保障消费者、渠道、供应商、合作伙伴及员工的利益。

The acquisition is a multi-win move for the industry, says the statement, adding that all shareholders of the new Honor company will fully support the development of the Honor brand, enabling it to leverage the industry's advantages in resources, brands, production, channels, and services, and more effectively compete in the marketplace.


The change in ownership will not impact Honor's development direction or the stability of its executive and talent teams, allowing the company to continuously consolidate its foundation for success, says the statement.


荣耀品牌诞生于2013年,始终面向年轻人,坚持中低端价位,七年间发展成为年出货量超七千万部(annual shipments of over 70 million)的互联网手机品牌。

5G连接数 5G connections

5G connections in China are expected to reach 200 million by the end of 2020, contributing to more than 85 percent of the global total, according to a recent analysis by GSMA, an international association of mobile operators.全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)近期分析显示,中国的5G连接数预计在2020年将达到2亿,占全球5G连接总数85%以上。


5G(5th generation mobile communication technology),即第五代移动通信技术,将提升移动网络的作用,不仅让人与人之间互联,更让机器、物体和终端之间互联互控。

5G是一个全新的通讯技术,具有高速率(high data rate)、大容量(high capacity)、低时延(short latency)的特性,这使得5G技术在物联网(Internet of Things)、智慧家居(smart home)、远程服务(remote service)、外场支援(field support)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)、增强现实(augmented reality)等领域有了新的应用。


As of September, 107 carriers have commercialized 5G networks in 47 countries and regions. It is expected that 149 carriers will commercialize 5G networks in 57 countries and regions by the end of 2020.截至2020年9月,已有107家运营商在47个国家和地区商用5G网络。预计2020年底,将有149家运营商在57个国家和地区商用5G网络。

By the end of 2025, 410 carriers are expected to commercialize 5G networks in 123 countries and regions.


2019年10月31日,三大运营商公布5G商用套餐(5G data plans),并于11月1日正式上线,标志着中国正式进入5G商用时代。

数据显示,截至9月底,中国5G基站(5G base station)累计超过69万个,基本实现地市级5G覆盖,今年50万个5G基站的建设目标提前完成,5G累计终端连接数已超过1.6亿。

5G technologies have been utilized in more than 20 industries including marine, power grids, healthcare and manufacturing.5G技术已被应用于海洋、电力网络、医疗及制造等20多个行业。

By the end of September, China's three major telecom operators had launched more than 5,000 innovation projects and signed around 1,000 5G business contracts.截至9月底,三大运营商已推出5000余个创新工程,签署了约1000个5G商业合约。

流失文物 lost cultural relics



The cultural relics date from the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), encompassing a variety of items, mainly ceramics. They are from provinces including Jiangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Shaanxi, Hebei and Guizhou.这些文物时间跨度从春秋到清代,质地多为陶瓷,地域分布江西、安徽、福建、河南、陕西、河北、贵州等。


我们常见的cultural relics里面的relic指“an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist”,即“从过去流传至今的物件、传统或体系”,在考古领域多指“从过去遗留下来的物件,没有现实用处,但多具有历史意义”或者“遗迹、遗物”等。Artifact,在英式英语中写作artefact,一般指“手工制品”,在考古领域则多指挖掘出来的“手工制作的(工具、武器、饰品等具有考古或历史价值的)文物”。因此在表示“历史文物”的时候,relic涵盖的范围要比artifact要广一些,而且这两个词一般都用复数形式。

Their return brings an end to a quarter-century of China's efforts to retrieve lost cultural relics from overseas, said Guan Qiang, deputy director of the administration.



这里用常见词return表示“返还、回归”很好理解,更加正式的表达可以用repatriate historical artifacts或者名词形式repatriation of historical artifacts,repatriate表示send something back to its home country(把...送回国),如果是repatriate someone则表示“遣返、遣送回国”。

“追索流散文物”可以用retrieve lost cultural relics/historical artifacts表示。Retrieve 表示“找回,重新获得”,比如追讨官员赃款(retrieve officials' illegal gains),找到遗体(retrieve bodies)等。

1989年,中国接受联合国教科文组织1970年《关于禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的方法的公约》(the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property),之后与20多个国家就打击非法文物交易以及流失文物追索返还签署双边协议(bilateral agreements on fighting the illegal transfer of and facilitating the repatriation of relics)。

金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系 BRICS partnership on the new industrial revolution

President Xi Jinping said that China will work with other parties to flesh out the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution at a faster pace, adding that China will set up an innovation center for such a partnership in Xiamen, Fujian province to advance cooperation on policy coordination, personnel training and project development. Xi made the remarks on Nov 17 when addressing the 12th BRICS Summit via video link.


暴雪 snowstorm



Snowstorms in China's northernmost province of Heilongjiang have grounded more than 100 flights and forced expressways and schools to be closed, local authorities said.当地政府表示,黑龙江省暴雪已导致100多个航班取消,高速路和学校也被迫关闭。


这里的ground用作动词,表示“使...停留在地面(港口)不能移动”,多用于轮船、飞机等运输设备,所以上面这句话我们也可以说more than 100 flights were grounded because of the snowstorm。另外,经常看美剧的同学应该能注意到,ground有时候也用来表示家长对做错事的孩子进行惩罚,不让他们出去玩,就是“禁足”,比如:My parents grounded me for a week(我爸妈让我禁足一个星期)或I am grounded for a week(我被禁足一个星期)。

Snowfall of up to 25.8 mm was recorded in cities including Harbin and Mudanjiang, bringing a blanket of snow 17 cm deep in some places, according to the province's meteorological center.


In Jilin province, heavy rains and strong winds have forced many cities to close their primary and middle schools and kindergartens for one or two days, including in the capital city Changchun, as well as Songyuan and Baicheng.


The Changchun Longjia International Airport has been closed, with a total of 126 flights canceled and 17 flights delayed as of 3 pm. Train services at three major railway stations in Changchun have also been partially closed.长春龙嘉国际机场关闭,截至11月19日下午3点,126个航班取消,17个航班延误。长春市三个主要火车站也部分关闭。

Police in Liaoning province have imposed traffic restrictions on expressways due to the snow, while some highways have been closed.


The National Meteorological Center said snow will continue to lower temperatures by 8 to 10 degrees, but will taper off from Friday through Sunday. The snow system will move toward Northwest and North China, including the Xinjiang Uygur and Ningxia Hui autonomous regions, Beijing and Gansu province. Heavy rainfall is expected in some areas.



这里的taper off是一个固定搭配的短语,表示“逐渐减少、变小”等意思,比如:Her voice tapered off as she realized everyone was listening.(当她意识到大家都在听时,她的声音就越来越小了)。Taper作为动词,本身也表示“逐渐变小、变细、变窄”等意思,比如:The cave tapered to a narrow passageway.(那个洞穴慢慢变成了一条窄窄的通道)。

嫦娥五号 Chang'e-5







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