
首页 > 教育培训 > 作者:YD1662023-05-29 07:59:31





He turned to smile at the tabby, but it had gone. Instead he was smiling at a rather severe - looking woman who was wearing square glasses exactly the shape of the markings the cat had had around its eyes. She, too, was wearing a cloak, an emerald one. Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun. She looked distinctly ruffled.




He turned to smile at the tabby, but it had gone. Instead he was smiling at a rather severe - looking woman who was wearing square glasses exactly the shape of the markings the cat had had around its eyes. She, too, was wearing a cloak, an emerald one. Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun. She looked distinctly ruffled.

‘How did you know it was me?’ she asked .

‘My dear Professor , I ’ ve never seen a cat sit so stiffly .’

“You ’ d be stiff if you ’ d been sitting on a brick wall al day ,’ said Professor McGonagall .

‘All day ? When you could have been celebrating? I must have passed a dozen feasts and parties on my way here .’


Professor McGonagal sniffed angrily.‘ Oh yes , everyone ’ s celebrating , all right ,’ she said impatiently. ‘You ' d think they’ d be a bit more careful, but no - even the Muggles have noticed something’ s going on. It was on their news.’ She jerked her head back at the Dursleys’ dark living - room window. I heard it. Flocks of owls……shooting stars……Well , they’re not completely stupid . They were bound to notice something. Shooting stars down in Kent – I’ll bet that was Dedalus Diggle . He never had much sense.’


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