
首页 > 美食 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 05:10:57

阅兵 Military parade

国徽 National emblem

国旗 National flag

国歌 National anthem

军旗 People's Liberation Army flag

五星红旗 Five-star red flag

服务人民 Serve the people

英勇善战 Brave and skillful in battle

忠诚于党 Loyal to the party

热爱人民 Love people

报效国家 Serve the country

改革开放 Reform and opening-up

与时俱进 Advance with times

科学发展 Scientific development

社会和谐 Social harmony

小康社会 A moderately prosperous society

依法治国 Run the country according to law

依法治军 Handle the army's affairs according to law

以德治国 Rule the country by virtue

以人为本 Put people first

与时俱进 Advance with the times; keep pace with the times

人民解放军 People's Liberation Army

义勇军进行曲 March of the Volunteers

中华人民共和国万岁 Long live the People's Republic of China





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