
首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662023-03-23 03:18:28


铸造的金铜佛像工艺精湛,造型比较优美。内地收藏家在香港以1.166亿的价格将“鎏金铜释迦牟尼坐像“成功拍下,创下中国艺术品迄今为止世界拍卖纪录。近年来,中国古代佛像投资市场行情一路看好,升值空间较大,特别是高质量的金铜佛像,尤其值得收藏投资。而相比投资价值,其文化和艺术价值更甚。在纽约举行的一场拍卖会上,一座“西藏11-12世纪铜瑜伽士坐像”以486.9万美元的成交价创下西藏雕塑拍卖世界纪录,引发界内强烈关注。 据了解,佛像多为高古佛像,在佛像市场上,海内外藏家十分重视佛像造像。




Buddhism has been introduced into Central Plain area since the Eastern Han Dynasty, and has a history of more than 2,000 years. The artistic value of Buddha statues is very rare in the market due to their limited existence. Gold and bronze statues of Buddha constitute the main body of the investment market of ancient Chinese statues of Buddha today. Gold and Bronze Buddha statues are very popular. Buddhist statues, body proportions more moderate, full and strong, simple and smooth lines, full but not false, close but not vulgar. The gold and bronze Buddha statues cast are exquisite in workmanship and graceful in shape. Chinese collectors bid $116.6 m for the "Gilt bronze statue of Gautama Buddha" in Hong Kong, setting a world auction record for Chinese art. In recent years, the investment market of ancient Chinese Buddhist statues has been good all the way, and there is great room for appreciation, especially the high-quality gold and bronze Buddha statues, which are especially worth collecting and investing. And its cultural and artistic value is even greater than its investment value. At an auction in New York, a statue of a 11th-and 12th-century bronze Yogi from Tibet sold for $4.869 million, setting a world record for a sale of a Tibetan sculpture. It is understood that the Buddha statue for the high ancient Buddha, in the Buddha market, domestic and foreign collectors attach great importance to Buddha statue. Buddhism originated in India, spread to China and the Chinese traditional culture influence each other, absorb, develop into one of China's national religions, become an important part of China's feudal culture, ancient Chinese social history, philosophy, literature, art and other cultural forms, have had a far-reaching impact in many ways. In China, the introduction and development of Buddhism in about the Han Dynasty, Buddhism began to spread into the Han (about BC) . This small Gold Buddha is made of gold. The exquisite shape, gentle and smooth lines, gentle and solemn, only a inch high, but containing boundless Dharma, deep and solemn and magical, today when talking about the Buddha statue collection, there is no doubt that the Buddha statue bears the brunt and constitutes the main body of the investment market for today's ancient Chinese Buddha statue. This gold Buddha package thick slurry, hun ran natural, preservation is rare, in the Buddha for the top grade, with high cultural and artistic value and collection value.




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