doesnot缩写形式读音,does not怎么连读

首页 > 大全 > 作者:YD1662022-12-18 03:46:15


1. don’t [dəʊnt] = do not 的常用口语形式;不(I don't know.我不知道。)

2. doesn’t [ˈdʌznt] = does not 的常用口语形式;不

3. didn’t [ˈdɪdnt] = did not 的常用口语形式;不

4. wasn’t [ˈwɒznt] = was not 的常用口语形式

5. weren’t [wɜːnt] = were not 的常用口语形式

6. can’t [kɑːnt] = can not 的常用口语形式;不能,不会(I can't do that.我做不到。)

7. couldn’t [ˈkʊdnt] = could not 的常用口语形式,不能

8. shouldn’t [ˈʃʊdnt] = should not;不应该

9. won’t [wəʊnt] = will not 的常用口语形式

10. wouldn’t [ˈwʊdnt] = would not 的常用口语形式

11. You’d better not = You had better not,最好别

(You'd better not do that.你最好别那么做。)

12. hasn’t [ˈhæznt] = has not 的常用口语形式,还没有

13. haven’t [ˈhævnt] = have not 的常用口语形式,还没有

doesnot缩写形式读音,does not怎么连读(1)

14. I’ll [aɪl] = I will 或 I shall 的常用口语形式

15. isn’t [ˈɪznt] = is not 的常用口语形式,不是

16. aren’t [ɑːnt] = are not 的常用口语形式,不是

17. he’ll [hiːl] = he will 或 he shall 的常用口语形式

18. she’ll [ʃiːl] = she will 或 she shall 的常用口语形式

19. we’ll [wiːl] = we will 或we shall 的常用口语形式

doesnot缩写形式读音,does not怎么连读(2)

20. I’ve 过去分词 = I have 过去分词

21. We’ve got = We have got

22. You've got = You have got

23. They've got = They have got

24. She's got = She has got

25. He's got = He has got

26. I’m [aɪm] = I am 的常用口语形式,我是

27. She’s [ʃiːz] = She is 或 she has 的常用口语形式

28. He’s [hiːz] = he is 或 he has 的常用口语形式

29. I'd = I would/should/had

30. You'd = You would/should/had

31. We'd = We would/should/had





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