there was a time when whitney didnt,there was a time when i was ill

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04.《Greatest Love of All》(至爱):原先由美国男歌手George Benson演唱于1977年,是一首讲述大爱的励志歌曲,惠特尼·休斯顿的版本则让这首歌在Bilooboard hot 100单曲榜1986年5月17日夺冠,在榜首停留3周。

there was a time when whitney didnt,there was a time when i was ill(5)

05.《Where Do Broken Hearts Go》(破碎的心该去往何处?)出自(1987年)惠特尼·休斯顿的第二张专辑《Whitney》,使她成为BILLBOARD流行单曲榜史上惟一缔造连续7首单曲问鼎冠军的歌手,打破了原由披头士乐队和比吉斯乐队所保持的纪录。

there was a time when whitney didnt,there was a time when i was ill(6)

06.《I Have Nothing》(Whitney Houston):《The Bodyguard》(保镖)(1992)的插曲,当年奥斯卡的提名金曲 ----- 认识我的生活,认识真实的我。接受我的爱,我不会要求更多。我不想去没有你的地方,我不会再压抑我内心的感情,因为我骗不了自己......

there was a time when whitney didnt,there was a time when i was ill(7)

07.《I Wanna Dance With Somebody》收在(1987年)《Whitney》,是一首动感四射的舞曲,为惠特尼·休斯顿获得了第30届格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖。甜美的合成器以及充满动感的鼓点 ----- 在编排与配器上代表了上世纪80年代的流行乐。

there was a time when whitney didnt,there was a time when i was ill(8)





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