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Adjectives Engings -ed and -ing (以ed和ing结尾的形容词 ):

以-ed和-ing结尾的形容词是初中英语词汇学习中的一个重点和难点。学生往往会对这二种形容词的用法傻傻分不清,不知如何来正确使用。 今天我们就来聊聊这二类形容词。

在英语中,有些形容词是由动词的-ed形式和-ing 形式构成的。前者表示被动意义,后者表主动意义。它们的形式和动词的过去分词及现在分词完全一样。

  1. 以ed结尾的形容词

Adjectives that end ‘-ed’ describe emotions – they tell us how people feel about something.


比如: I was very bored in the maths lesson. I almost fell asleep.


He was surprised to see Helen. She’d told him she was going to Australia.

他很惊讶地看见海伦。(因为) 海伦之前告诉他她打算去澳大利亚。

2. 以ing结尾的形容词

Adjectives that end ‘-ing’ describe the thing that causes the emotion – a boring lesson makes you feel bored.


比如: Have you seen that film? It’s absolutely terrifying.

你看过那部电影吗? 它实在是太吓人了。

I could listen to him for hours. He’s one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met.

我可以听他讲上几小时。 他是我见过最有趣的人之一。

接下来我们罗列一些常见的以-ed 和 -ing结尾的形容词。

excited/ exciting 兴奋的/ 令人兴奋的

interested/ interesting 感兴趣的/ 有趣的

relaxed/ relaxing 放松的/ 令人放松的

confused/ confusing 困惑的/令人困惑的

pleased/ pleasing 高兴的,满意的/ 令人愉快的

bored/ boring 无聊的,无趣的/ 令人厌烦的

worried/ worrying 担心的/ 令人担心的

amused/ amusing 被逗乐的/ 有趣的,好玩的

annoyed/ annoying 恼怒的/ 恼人的

disappointed/ disappointing 失望的/令人失望的

exhausted/ exhausting 精疲力尽的/ 使人精疲力尽的

frightened/ frightening 害怕的/ 令人害怕的

satisfied/ satisfying 感到满意的/ 令人满意的,令人满足的

shocked/ shocking 震惊的/ 令人震惊的

stimulated/ stimulating 受激的/ 刺激的

Practice: (练一练)

Choose the correct adjective to complete the following advertisement.


Are you (1) interested/ interesting in taking a vacation to an (2) excited/ exciting location? Do you want to travel to a beautiful, (3) relaxed/ relaxing beach, and help to save the environment? If your answer is "yes" then you should book your holiday with EcoTours! At EcoTours, we help vacationers enjoy their holiday and learn more about the places they visit. In addition, EcoTours gives five percent of the cost of your trip to help protect the local environment. Call us today to talk with one of our experienced tour guides. We'll help you choose and plan a (4) stimulated/ stimulaiting vacation that is right for you! Our holidays are definitely not (5) bored/boring. If you are (6) worried/ worrying about the cost, don't be. Our prices are very reasonable. We know that you'll be (7) pleased/ pleasing with your EcoTours holiday, so call today at (888) 555-3458, or visit us online to find out more: www.heinle-ecotours.org.

Keys: 1. interested 2. exciting 3. relaxing 4. stimulating 5. boring

6. worried 7. pleased

充分了解各单词的相关词性转换和各种词性的用法是英语学习中的一大重点。 对于单词词性的正确理解,分析和运用需要长期地通过不断地阅读,多读例句,仿写句子,造句和翻译等练习来加以巩固以达到熟练掌握的目的。





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