
首页 > 社会 > 作者:YD1662024-04-12 00:08:34

To Whom It May Concern,

Although I have known XXX for only two months, her earnest, assiduous attitude has left me a deep impression. In this August, together with some other students, she came to my company to work as an intern. And XXX has a really extraordinary performance.

Taking the initiative to exchange with the engineers about some professional problems, she would get to the bottom of the confusing questions. I remember once she came and asked me some questions; while I was giving her answers, she fished out a small notebook and made records rapidly. I later found that the notebook was thickly dotted with many words, which were skills learned from the experienced workmates.

Moreover, being diligent, XXX always offered to undertake the task to go to the base stations with the engineers and carry out the maintenance work, which is an exhausting test to the operator’s skills. But for her, it is a chance to show the solid professional foundation. As far as I know, once there happened a failure without warning in a base station. Owing to the uncertainty of specific reasons, it was more difficult than usual to check and repair it. However, applying what she had learnt in school flexibly, she finally found the source of trouble and solved the problem appropriately with the other staff.

Besides an excellent performance in work, XXX has also performed very well in the recreational activities. For example, her friendly and active attitude to the basketball competition and aerobics game held by the company won the unanimous acclaim. I believe XXX, a remarkable girl, will fit in the life in America very well. I hope that your renowned school can give her application favorable consideration.

Sincerely Yours,





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