
首页 > 生活 > 作者:YD1662024-04-21 13:27:46

如果有过面试经验的人肯定对这十大问题不陌生!在此, 我就不再提"请你介绍你自己"这种必考题, 希望大家都已经把这个题目当做是必备的能力之一, 以下就针对各种问题给你们一些建议:


1. Q: Why did you leave your last job?

A: The job and the company were wonderful,but there was no opportunity for further advancement. I learned some invaluable skills and received very useful training in the position. My employer was happy with my work, but I recognized that there was no promotional position available for me. We are parting on very good terms, though, and I'll always highly value the experience I acquired there.




At my current company, there isn't room for growth.


I'm looking for a bigger challenge to increase my work experience.


I'm seeking a position with room for growth and opportunity for advancement. This position seems like an excellent match for my skills and experience.



2. Q: What have you learned from your previous jobs?

A: Well, from my previous position at the bank, I now know how to analyze the statistical information effectively. I also know how to make good financial judgments and recommendations, based on the individual clients' circumstances and needs. I also have learned how to work on a small team to achieve branch goals. My practical experience, along with my professional knowledge, would show that I'm well qualified for the job.




At my last job, I learned how to write marketing proposals, analyze customer needs, and do market research. These experiences familiarize me with the market of children's wear, which makes me well qualified for this job.



Although I've not worked in this field before, from my previous jobs, I've learned to organize my work systematically and to do it in order of priority. I think this skill applies to all job positions.


3. Q: Describe a typical day in your job.

A: As soon as I arrive, I check my emails and mail. I then set out a to-do list of priorities for the day ahead. Accordingly, I then research into the customer complaints, working on how to resolve them. Once I figure out an answer, I then contact the customers, and help them deal with the problems. I check the list at the end of each day to ensure that everything is either taken care of or underway. Work can be hectic sometimes as customer complaints pour in, so being organized is very important.




Aside from some routine work, there are often some urgent matters that require my immediate attention. So I'm very used to making quick response and finding the best solution to the problems.


4. Q: Why do you want to work for us?

A: As an industry leader, you have an excellent reputation. Your internationalism is also very appealing, as I hope to work overseas at some point. I have also heard that you invest in your staff by taking good care of them and giving them excellent training. Furthermore, in such a large company, I hope that there may be prospects for career growth and advancement in the future.




I have heard people talking a lot about your company and always dreamed of becoming part of it.


After doing some research on your company, I found that your company's goals are rather impressive, and I know this is the company I would like to work for.



Your company is known for excellent customer service. I have five years of experience working with customers, so I understand the importance of establishing good relationship with customers.

(贵公司以优良的客户服务闻名。我有 5 年与顾客工作的经验,因此我了解与客户建立良好关系的重要性。)


5. Q: What are your strong points and weak points?

A: I'm reliable, responsible, trustworthy, and an excellent communicator. I'm enthusiastic, responsible, and hardworking. My friends think I'm too hardworking because they complain that they don't see me enough. However, I don't think of it being like that—I simply enjoy my work, and want to work to the best of my abilities. Sometimes this means putting in extra hours, but I think it's all worth it.


答:我很可靠、负责、值得信赖,同时也是个很好的沟通者。我很有热忱、负责也很努力。我的朋友觉得我工作太认真了,他们抱怨我常不见人影。然而我并不这样认为 ──我只是乐在工作,而且想要全力以赴而已。有时这也意味着投入更多的时间,但是我认为很值得。



My colleagues consider me an excellent supervisor because I am a good listener.


上句比起直陈 “I am an excellent supervisor.” 要来得有说服力多了。

另外,就算是缺点,也可技巧性地陈述,例如本题中,应试者自承自己太热衷工作(too hardworking),因而少与朋友往来。乍听之下这是缺点,但听在口试委员的耳里,也许就成了『能为公司牺牲奉献』的优点。类似的方式还有:

I pay too much attention to details because I always want the best result from each job I do. This could sometimes lead to inefficiency.



6. Q: Do you like to work with people?

A: Yes, I love working with people. I worked in a clothing boutique when I was studying, where I dealt with all kinds of people every day. I really enjoyed helping them and giving advice. Being in a job that enables me to work with people is important to my job satisfaction. I would not want a job that didn't offer the chance to interact closely with people.




Yes. Although I'm a self-starter, I enjoy working with people. It makes me feel good when work is done through good teamwork.


7. Q: Why did you choose your major?

A: I majored in English because I knew I wanted to work in an international business environment. English is a major language of the global marketplace. Without adequate English abilities, you will find it very hard to get anywhere. It's a basic, but hugely important skill, and can be adapted to almost any profession. I've also successfully completed many business English classes to specifically prepare myself for the business world.




The reason why I chose 科系 as my major was...


I chose international business as my major because I had always been a strong communicator. I'm particularly interested in doing business in other countries.


上句中,应征者借着说明自己为何选择国际贸易,表现了自己的优点(a strong communicator)及兴趣。这样的回答颇具说服力,让人觉得这是『经过深思熟虑才做的决定』。

8. Q: What were your extracurricular activities in school?

A: While in college I was the editor of the student newspaper. Being in an editorial position, I was able to hone my writing and grammar, and I also had significant influence over what stories the paper covered. As the editor, I was also required to do a lot of organization, to ensure that the contributing writers met the weekly publication deadlines, and that the paper was printed on time.




As a PR of the club, I gained a lot of experience in organizing and hosting activities. I believe this experience will help me quickly adapt to working as a PR in your company.


9. Q: Did you have any actual work experience while in college?

A: Yes, at college I worked as an intern at a local public relations agency. I was based in the marketing department, and shadowed some of the marketing assistants there. I learned a great deal from my colleagues. This work experience was very helpful and I really enjoyed it. The internship was the turning point in my life. It made me start thinking seriously about working in the field of public relations.




One of my relatives ran an IT company and during summer vacations, when computer trade shows were held, I always volunteered to go there and helped look after the stall. This experience gave me first-hand knowledge about the consumers' real needs. It also made me want to pursue a career in the IT industry.


10. Q: Can you work under pressure?

A: Of course. I'm no stranger to pressure. When I was studying in college I also had a part-time job. I needed the money to fund my studies, so I worked quite a lot. When I had deadlines for college projects and essays, good time management was essential for me. I learned to plan ahead. Although hand-in times were rather high-pressure and stressful, I never missed a deadline, regardless of how busy I was.




When I was working for a fashion magazine as an editor, I was required to work overtime on a regular basis in order to meet the deadlines. I needed to interview people and make lots of arrangements. So I have absolutely no problem working under pressure.






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