
首页 > 生活 > 作者:YD1662024-06-09 03:10:04

​Do you know is there any trick if you accidentally stick your fingers to a strong glue?

1. 使用肥皂水:将手指浸泡在温肥皂水中,轻轻揉搓,有助于软化胶水并使其松开。

1.Use soapy water: soak your fingers in warm soapy water and gently rub them to help soften the glue and loosen it.

2. 使用食用油:滴一些食用油在粘住的部位,轻轻按摩,油可以帮助分解胶水的粘性。

2. Use cooking oil: drop some cooking oil in the sticky part and massage gently. Oil can help break down the glue.

3. 使用醋:将手指浸泡在醋中,醋的酸性可以帮助溶解胶水。

3. Use vinegar: soak your fingers in vinegar. The acidity of vinegar can help dissolve glue.

4. 使用牙膏:挤出一些牙膏涂抹在粘住的部位,按摩几分钟,然后用温水冲洗。

4. Use toothpaste: squeeze out some toothpaste and apply it to the sticky part, massage for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

5. 使用酒精:用棉球蘸取酒精,轻轻擦拭粘住的部位,酒精可以溶解胶水。

5. Use alcohol: dip in alcohol with cotton ball and gently wipe the sticky part. Alcohol can dissolve the glue.


Please note that you should be careful when trying these methods to avoid skin injuries caused by excessive exertion!


If the problem still exists or appears to be allergic symptoms such as symptoms, recommend consult doctor or professional opinion oh!




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