1朵: 你是我的唯一。(一见钟情)You are my only one. (love at first sight)
2朵: 世界上只有你和我。(你浓我浓)There are only you and me in the world. (you're strong, I'm strong)
4朵: 至死不渝。will never change until death.
5朵: 由衷欣赏。Heartfelt appreciation.
6朵: 互敬,互爱,互谅。Mutual respect, love and understanding.
7朵: 我偷偷的爱着你。I love you secretly.
8朵: 感谢你的关怀、扶持及鼓励。Thank you for your care, support and encouragement.
9朵: 长相守、坚定。Long and firm.
10朵: 十心十意,十全十美,无懈可击。Ten hearts and ten minds are perfect and impeccable.
11朵: 爱你一生一世。Ten hearts and ten minds are perfect and impeccable.
12朵: 全部的爱;对你的爱与日俱增。All love; I love you more and more.
13朵: 暗恋。友谊长存。Secret love. Friendship forever.
14朵: 骄傲。proud.
15朵: 歉意。Sorry.