
首页 > 生活和情感 > 作者:YD1662023-06-18 12:55:59





开头:Unthinkable as it may be, humanity, every last person...

【答案速查】26-30 KGLHB 31-35 JAIND
26. K) scenario
27. G) extinction
28. L) severely
29. H) obscure
30. B) arise
31. J) posed
32. A) advocate
33. I) particular
34. N) species
35. D) encounter



标题San Francisco Has Become One Huge Metaphor for Economic Inequality in America


36-40DGCEH 41-45KFMBJ

36. San Francisco city government offered tax benefits to attract tech companies to establish operations in a less developed area.

36. D【定位】Policies pushed by Mayor Ed Lee provided tax breaks for tech companies to set up shop along the city’s long-neglected Mid-Market area.

37. The fast rise in the prices of land and houses increases the economic inequality among people

37.G【定位】When home prices soar above the reach of most households, the gap between the rich and the poor dramatically increases.

38. San Francisco has been found to have the biggest income gap in California between the rich and the poor.

38.C【定位】 According to a recent study, San Francisco ranks first in California for economic difference.

39. The higher rate of employment, combined with limited housing supply, did not make it any easier to buy a house.

39. E 【定位】In spite of all that, the strength of the recent job growth, combined with policies that have traditionally limited housing development in the city and throughout the peninsula, did not help ease the affordability crisis.

40. When people compare their own living standard with others’, it has a greater impact on their sense of contentment.

40.H【定位】This means that how a person judges their security in comparison to their neighbors’ has more of an impact on their happiness than their objective standard of living.

41. Improved transport networks connecting the city to distant outlying areas will also help solve the housing crisis.

41. K【定位】Real estate alone will not solve the problem, of course. Transportation, too, needs to be updated and infrastructure extended to link distant regions to Silicon Valley and the city.

42. Average incomes in the Bay Area make it virtually impossible for most tenant families to buy a home.

42.F【定位】Considering that the average household income in the city currently stands at around $80,000, it is not an exaggeration to say that the dream of home ownership is now beyond the grasp of the vast majority of today's people who rent.

43. Innovative solutions to social and economic problems should be introduced before it is too late.

43.M【定位】It doesn't have to be this way. But solutions need to be implemented now, before angry crowds grow from a nuisance to serious concern. … We need to use existing technology to shorten travel times and break the land limits.

44. Residents of the San Francisco Bay Area strongly resent the tech industry because of the economic inequality it has contributed to.

44. B【定位】… to drastic market distortions in the San Francisco Bay Area have created boiling resentment in the region towards the tech industry. A vocal minority is even calling on officials to punish those who are benefitting from the economic and housing boom.

45. One way to deal with the housing crisis is for the government to simplify the approval procedures for housing projects.

45. J【定位】The housing crisis is caused by two primary factors: the growing desirability of the Bay Area as a place to live due to its excellent economy, and our limited housing stock.


Passage One


The suggestion that people should aim for dietary diversity by trying to eat a variety of foods has been a basic public health recommendation for decades in the United States everywhere.


【答案速查】 46-50 ACABC

46. What has been a standard piece of dietary advice for decades?A) People should diversify what they eat
47. What did the new research by the American Heart Association find?C) People seeking dietary diversity tend to eat more.48. What could help to explain the contradiction between the new findings and the common public health recommendation?A) There is little consensus on the definition of dietary diversity.49. What did Dr. Rao find after 20 years of research on obesity?B) Diversified food intake may not contribute to health.50. What does the passage say about people who eat a great variety of food?C) They don't feel they have had enough until they overeat.

Passage Two


The ability to make inferences from same and different…


【答案速查】 51-55 ADBCD

51. In what way were humans thought to be unique?A) Being capable of same-different discrimination.
52. What do we learn from the study published in Science?D) Our conception of birds’ intelligence was wrong.
53. What did the researchers discover about most ducklings from their experiment?B) They could tell whether the objects were the same.
54. What was novel about the experiment in the study reported in Science?C) The animals used received no training.
55. What do we learn from Dr. Wasserman’s comment on the study of animal minds at the end of the passage?D) Remarkable progress is being made.







Zhang Qian was the first great Chinese explorer. He made two missions to the Western Regions despite all the dangers and difficulties. He opened up trade relations between China and West Asia and Europe, shipped Chinese silk and silk fabrics to West Asia and Europe, thus opening up the famous Silk Road in history. In the meanwhile, he also introduced the customs, regional culture and unique species of the Western Regions to the Central Plains, which greatly broadened people's horizon.

As historians have pointed out, without Zhang Qian's missions to the Western Regions, there would be no opening up of the Silk Road and no cultural exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions or Europe.





郑和下西洋对中外的经济和文化交流起到了十分积极的推进作用,也为维护区域和平做出了巨大贡献。为了永远铭记郑和及其丰功伟绩,7月 11日,即郑和首次率船队远航启程的日子,被定为中国的航海节


Zheng He is the most outstanding navigator in Chinese history.He has shown extraordinary wisdom and outstanding talent in many fields, including navigation, diplomacy and military. He led a huge fleet of ships on seven voyages and visited many countries and regions in the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean, deepening mutual understanding between China and Southeast Asia and East Africa.

Zheng He's voyages played a very positive role in promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and also made great contributions to maintaining regional peace. In order to forever remember Zheng He and his great achievements, July 11, the day when Zheng He first set sail with his fleet, has been designated as China's Maritime Day.







Xu Xiake is a famous geographer in the Ming Dynasty. He spent more than thirty years traveling around most of China. He explored many remote areas, mainly on foot. He wrote down his observations and investigation results in detail, leaving precious investigation materials for posterity. He corrected errors about water sources in the literature by conducting field surveys of many rivers. He also described in detail the effects of terrain, climate and other factors on plants, and vividly depicted many places of interest and local customs. His investigation records were compiled into the Travel Notes of Xu Xiake by later generations, which has a wide influence at home and abroad.









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