a number修饰不可数的短语,a number of能接不可数名词吗

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Celebrating Success, One Failure at a Time

——高中进阶 (2018-2019学年第27期) 1版

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They say that the road to success is paved with the stones of countless failures. It is these failures that are often lost in the stories of successes. No innovator, be they Jobs, Einstein or Musk, didn't at some point have to contend with the disappointment of failure. The road to innovation is fraught with (充满) the perils (危险) of self-doubt and the fear of not accomplishing one's dreams. Though failure is always a hard lesson to face, it is the one most likely to teach us. A Chinese proverb tells us that "failure is the mother of success."

No more is this true than in browsing the "Museum of Failure," a collection of failed products curated (策展) by Swedish clinical psychologist Dr. Daniel West. Among its collection is Nintendo's Virtual Boy, one of the first virtual gaming consoles (游戏机) to ever be produced. The product was removed from shelves only months after being released. While it failed spectacularly, the investment in innovation helped to father (创造) such later technologies as the various VR headsets that are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. Every failure is pregnant with the promise (可能性) of success. Or as Dr. West says, "it is in the failures that we find the interesting stories from which we can learn."

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Failure is a part of everyone's life, and mine is no different. I have been teaching for a good number of years and I cannot even count the times that I have failed to really impart (传授) the knowledge I wanted to give my students. In every failure was a lesson that told me how to make improvements. Unusually, a new lesson I drew is to look at myself in a different way. I enjoy staying with my students, but teaching will no longer be the profession I want to pursue next year. I'm going to strike out on my own to be a freelance (自由职业的) photojournalist. It has long been my dream and now I have the motivation to take that chance. My efforts might lead to success; they might end in failure. Every innovator rolls the dice of chance. Only time can tell if rolling that dice will be counted. Without rolling the dice, however, success will never come to you.

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The "Museum of Failure" will run until Mar. 17 at Shanghai No. 1 Department Store. And it may smack of (带有……的意味) a bit of irony (讽刺) that the "Museum of Failure" is being hosted at a shopping center with "No.1" in its name, but as with every failure, it has its birth in the grand hope of success.

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