
首页 > 时尚 > 作者:YD1662024-03-19 12:03:52

Effort在白宫简报里是绝对的高频词,说它number one 也毫不夸张。与它搭配的词非常多,在简报里基本把它用活了。Effort在中文语境里的意思为努力,精力,努力的结果,有组织的活动,工作等等。话不多说,例句如下。

1. Our efforts are paying off.


2.This effort is as important now as it has ever been.


3.These efforts will contribute to addressing the various challenges that arise at the intersection of security, economy, and scientific research.


4.Such efforts will help preserve confidence in democracy and a market-based economy, which are the core values of the G7.


5.Cracking down on stalking and helping victims heal must be a government-wide effort.


6.We reaffirm our consistent support to ASEAN-led efforts, including the work of the ASEAN Chair and Office of the Special Envoy.


7.We reaffirm the importance of disarmament and non-proliferation efforts to create a more stable and SAFer world.


8.We will take further action on supply-side measures and recognize the need for further decarbonization efforts on the demand-side such as promoting changes in infrastructure and material use and end-use technology adoption as well as promoting sustainable consumer choice.


9.We will further step up our efforts to secure a level playing field through the more effective use of existing tools, as well as development of appropriate new tools and stronger international rules and norms.


10.To strengthen these efforts, I signed an Executive Order requiring Federal contractors to pay a minimum wage of $15 per hour, including for employees with disabilities.


11.I encourage all Americans to continue their reducing, reusing, and recycling efforts throughout the year.


12.We will continue to support climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience efforts in alignment with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement as well as regional architecture, including ASEAN, the PIF, and IORA.


13.We commit to efforts towards achieving a virtuous cycle of workers’ well-being and social and economic vitality, which will lead to sustainable growth and real wage growth in line with productivity, contributing in turn to further investment in human capital.



coordinate,lead,accelerate,guide,promote,focus on,advance,expand,accelerate,Increase,note,encourage,welcome,redouble,step up,continue,support,strengthen,fuel,enable,undertake,join in,intensify,build on,undermine,require, incorporate,maximize,reaffirm,prioritize,pursue,announce,pool,complement,engage in,bolster,value,launch,renew,establish,fund,reenergize,deliver等。

14.We will continue to shield agricultural, medical, and humanitarian products from our restrictive measures and make every effort to avoid potential spillover impacts on third countries.


15.We commit to accelerate global efforts to achieve the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s goal of net-zero emissions in international aviation by 2050, including making an effort for promoting and introducing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), introducing new technologies and improving operations, also building on ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).


16.Federal initiative to cap highways and add green spaces in an effort to unify neighborhoods that had been divided.


17.With these efforts, our Nation hit record-setting employment in the trucking industry earlier this year.


18.In these efforts, Quad Leaders will listen to and be guided at every step by Pacific priorities, including climate action, ocean health, resilient infrastructure, maritime security and financial integrity.






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