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在“英语为什么存在 There be 句型”一文中,我们知道了There be句型的功能是为了让英语句子具有完整的主谓结构,同时起到强调主语的作用。

那么英语为什么存在 It is 句型呢?

其实,It is 句型的存在和there be句型是一致的,也是为了保证句子具有完整的主谓结构,同时起到强调突作用,示例如下:

一、It 处于主语的位置

1. Who is it? It's me.



2. It is I who raised the question.


解释:对于中文来说,“是我”可以作为主语。但是在英语中无法表达出“是我”这样的主语,怎么办呢?区别于“There be” 存在句型,英语又采用了另外一种句型,即:It is 句型。

It is I (是我) who raised the question提出这个问题的。


3. It is important to listen to the other person.



为了表达同样的内涵,英文就采取了 ”It is” 句型,体现出英文的“前重后轻,前主后次”的思维内涵。 It 为形式主语,to listen to the other person为真正的主语。所以可以用真正的主语代替掉形式主语为: To listen to the other person is important. 倾听别人的声音是很重要。

4. It is said you can see it from the space.


解释:英文为了表达“据说”,需要补全主语,因此为了保证句子主谓结构的完整采取了”It is” 句型。

5. It is pity to give up now.


解释:英文为了表达“真是可惜”,需要补全主语,因此为了保证句子主谓结构的完整采取了”It is” 句型。

It is pity(主要信息) to give up now. (次要补充信息)

6. It takes an hour to get to the railway station.


解释:英文为了表达“需要一个小时”,需要补全主语,因此为了保证句子主谓结构的完整采取了”It is” 句型。 It takes an hour(主要信息) to get to the railway station.(次要补充信息)

7. It was in 2000 that I lost touch with her.


解释:英文为了表达“是在2000年”,需要补全主语,因此为了保证句子主谓结构的完整采取了”It is” 句型。

8. It happened that I saw him on my way home.


解释:英文为了在句首表达“碰巧”,需要补全主语,因此为了保证句子主谓结构的完整采取了”It is” 句型。

二、It 处于宾语的位置

1. I find it pleasant to work with him.


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替不定式短语to work with him。

其完整的句子为: I find (that ) it is pleasant to work with him.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

2. They felt it difficult to finish the work in such a short time.


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替不定式短语to finish the work in such a short time。 其完整的句子为: They felt (that) it was difficult to finish the work in such a short time.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

3. She thinks it her duty to help us.


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替不定式短语to help us。 其完整的句子为: She thinks (that) it is her duty to help us.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

4. I think it my honor to be invited to speak here.


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替不定式短语to be invited to speak here。 其完整的句子为: I think (that) it is my honor to be invited to speak here.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

5. The professor considers it no good reading without understanding.


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替动名词短语reading without understanding。 其完整的句子为: The professor considers (that) it is no good reading without understanding.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

6. Do you consider it any good trying again?


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替动名词短语trying again。 其完整的句子为: Do you consider (that) it is any good trying again?

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

7. He found it useless( no use) arguing with him.


解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替动名词短语arguing with him。

其完整的句子为: He found (that) it was useless( no use) arguing with him.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

8. He thought it absolutely senseless attempting the impossible.

他认为尝试不可能的事情是毫无理智的。 解释:it 处于宾语位置,代替动名词短语attempting the impossible。 其完整的句子为: He thought (that) it was absolutely senseless attempting the impossible.

实质还是It 处于宾语从句的主语。

通过以上分析可以看出区别于There be 句型, It be 句型主要用来表达“是XXX的内涵”,而There be 句型主要用来表达“有XXXX的内涵”。

最后在回答一下“it做形式主语时的句型有哪些?” 通过以上讲述,你应该可以看出无论it 做形式主语还是形式宾语,其实质都是一样的,即都是为了保证其所在的句子主谓完整,都是形式主语。 另外it置于句首,除了可以做形式主语外,还可以指代前文提到过的“人”“事”“物”等。




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