Sub 获取窗体中控件的属性列表()
On Error Resume Next
Dim 控件 As Object,数量 As Long,arr() As String
For Each 控件 In UserForm1.Controls
Dim 信息 As InterfaceInfo,mem As MemberInfo
Set 信息 = InterfaceInfoFromObject(控件) '从控件中获取属性
If Not (信息 Is Nothing) Then '如果有可以提取的信息
For Each mem In 信息.Members '遍历信息的子项
数量 = 数量 1
ReDim Preserve arr(1 TO 3,1 TO 数量)
arr(1,数量) = 控件.Name
arr(2,数量) = mem.Name
arr(3,数量) = callByName(控件,,vbget)
end if
end if
if 数量> 0 then
[a2]=.resize(数量,3) = worksheet.function.transpose(arr)
columns("a:c").horizontalalignment = xlleft
end if
end sub