
首页 > 实用技巧 > 作者:YD1662024-01-08 20:53:44

Private Sub Command注册_Click()

On Error GoTo 错误提示

If Text1(0) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(0)) = True Then

MsgBox "账号值不能为空!"

Exit Sub


If Len(Text1(0)) > 15 Then

MsgBox "账号不能超过15个字符!"

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If Text1(1) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(1)) = True Then

MsgBox "姓名值不能为空!"

Exit Sub


If Len(Text1(1)) > 30 Then

MsgBox "姓名不能超过30个字符!"

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If Text1(2) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(2)) = True Then

MsgBox "性别值不能为空!"

Exit Sub


End If

If Text1(3) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(3)) = True Then

MsgBox "联系方式不能为空!"

Exit Sub


If Len(Text1(3)) > 30 Then

MsgBox "联系方式不能超过30个字符!"

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If Text1(4) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(4)) = True Then

MsgBox "角色不能为空!"

Exit Sub


End If

If Text1(5) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(5)) = True Then

MsgBox "密码不能为空!"

Exit Sub


If Len(Text1(5)) > 15 Then

MsgBox "密码不能超过15个字符!"

Exit Sub

End If

End If

If Text1(6) = "" Or IsNull(Text1(6)) = True Then

MsgBox "确认密码不能为空!"

Exit Sub


End If

If Text1(5).Text <> Text1(6).Text Then

MsgBox "密码和确认密码不一致!"

Exit Sub

End If


If dcountlink("账号", "账号表", "账号='" & Text1(1) & "'", 0) > 0 Then

MsgBox "该账号已存在,请修改后重试"

Exit Sub

End If

Dim add_conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim add_rs As New ADODB.Recordset

With add_conn

.ConnectionString = "Provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\db_rw.mdb;Jet OLEDB:DataBase password=abc123;persist security info=false"


End With

add_rs.Open "账号表", add_conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic


On Error Resume Next

add_rs!账号.Value = Text1(0).Text

add_rs!姓名.Value = Text1(1).Text

add_rs!性别.Value = Text1(2).Text

add_rs!联系方式.Value = Text1(3).Text

add_rs!角色.Value = Text1(4).Text

add_rs!密码.Value = Text1(5).Text

add_rs!全部任务.Value = False

add_rs!任务查看.Value = True

add_rs!任务添加.Value = True

add_rs!任务更新.Value = True

add_rs!任务删除.Value = True

add_rs!常见任务管理.Value = False

add_rs!负责人管理.Value = False

add_rs!任务类型管理.Value = False

add_rs!任务状态管理.Value = False



Set add_rs = Nothing


Set add_conn = Nothing

MsgBox "注册完成"

Unload Me

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_DblClick(Index As Integer)

If Index = 2 Then

If Text1(2).Text = "男" Then

Text1(2).Text = "女"


Text1(2).Text = "男"

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus(Index As Integer)

If Text1(2).Text <> "男" And Text1(2).Text <> "女" Then

MsgBox "性别只能输入男或女"

Text1(2).Text = "男"

End If

End Sub



Private Sub Command添加_Click()

frm_datatype = 1

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

Dim i

For i = 1 To Text1.Count '控件取消锁定可录入数据

Text1(i - 1).Text = ""

Text1(i - 1).Locked = False

Next i

Text1(0).Locked = False

Text1(0).SetFocus '第一个控件获得焦点

End Sub

Private Sub Command修改_Click()

key_data = 0

frm_datatype = 2

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_DblClick()

If frm_datatype <> 2 Then '判断是否为修改状态

MsgBox "需要修改数据,请先进入修改状态"

Exit Sub

End If

Dim i

For i = 0 To Text1.UBound '获取选择记录的数据

Text1(i).Text = DataGrid1.Columns(i).Text

Next i


For i = 0 To Text1.UBound

Text1(i).Locked = False

Next i

Text1(0).Locked = False


key_data = Text1(0).Text '主键赋值

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() '窗体加载

frm_title = "任务类型管理" '赋值标题到变量

frm_datatype = 5 '设置窗体当前管理数据类型

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

Dim i

For i = 1 To Text1.Count '控件锁定不可录入数据

Text1(i - 1).Text = ""

Text1(i - 1).Locked = True

Next i

Adodc1.Refresh '刷新

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_GotFocus(Index As Integer) '文本框获得焦点,背景色修改,选中原有文本

Text1(Index).BackColor = &HFFFF00

Text1(Index).SelStart = 0

Text1(Index).SelLength = Len(Text1(Index))

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus(Index As Integer) '文本框失去焦点设计填充颜色(恢复)

Text1(Index).BackColor = &H80000005

End Sub

Sub changetitle(ByVal frmdatatype As Integer) '根据状态显示不同标题,设置按钮状态

Select Case frmdatatype

Case 1 '添加

Me.Caption = frm_title & "(添加)"


Me.Command添加.Enabled = False

Me.Command修改.Enabled = False

Me.Command保存.Enabled = True

Me.Command取消.Enabled = True

Me.Command删除.Enabled = False

Case 2 '添加

Me.Caption = frm_title & "(修改)"


Me.Command添加.Enabled = False

Me.Command修改.Enabled = False

Me.Command保存.Enabled = True

Me.Command取消.Enabled = True

Me.Command删除.Enabled = False

Case 3 '删除

Me.Caption = frm_title

Case 5 '取消

Me.Caption = frm_title


Me.Command添加.Enabled = True

Me.Command修改.Enabled = True

Me.Command保存.Enabled = False

Me.Command取消.Enabled = True

Me.Command删除.Enabled = True

key_data = 0


Dim i

For i = 0 To Text1.UBound

Text1(i).Locked = True

Next i

Case Else

Me.Caption = frm_title


Me.Command添加.Enabled = False

Me.Command修改.Enabled = False

Me.Command保存.Enabled = False

Me.Command取消.Enabled = False

Me.Command删除.Enabled = False

End Select

End Sub



Public frm_title As String '存储窗体标题

Public frm_datatype As Integer '存储当前管理状态(添加,修改,查询)

Public key_data As String '存储修改主键

Dim search_filter As String '存储筛选条件

Dim search_order As String '存储排序条件

Private Sub Command保存_Click()

On Error GoTo 保存失败错误


If frm_datatype = 1 Then


If Text1(0).Text <> "" Then



Dim add_conn As New ADODB.Connection '连接数据

Dim add_rs As New ADODB.Recordset

With add_conn

.ConnectionString = "Provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\db_rw.mdb;Jet OLEDB:DataBase password=abc123;persist security info=false"


End With

add_rs.Open "任务状态表", add_conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic '连接表生成记录集

add_rs.AddNew '添加记录

On Error Resume Next

add_rs!任务状态 = Text1(0).Text '新记录赋值

add_rs.Update '更新

add_rs.Close '关闭清空记录集和连接

Set add_rs = Nothing


Set add_conn = Nothing

MsgBox "添加完成"

Text1(0).Text = ""

Adodc1.Refresh '刷新显示结果


Text1(0).SetFocus '第一个录入数据控件获得焦点继续录入



MsgBox "任务状态不能为空"

Exit Sub

End If

End If


If frm_datatype = 2 Then


If Text1(0).Text <> "" Then


If key_data <> Text1(0).Text Then '主键修改,判断主键是否重复

If dcountlink("任务状态", "任务状态表", "任务状态='" & Text1(0) & "'", 0) > 0 Then

MsgBox "该任务状态已存在,请修改后重试"

Exit Sub

End If

End If




Dim update_conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim update_rs As New ADODB.Recordset

With update_conn

.ConnectionString = "Provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\db_rw.mdb;Jet OLEDB:DataBase password=abc123;persist security info=false"


End With

Dim update_sql As String

update_sql = "Select * From 任务状态表 Where 任务状态='" & key_data & "'"

update_rs.Open update_sql, update_conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic


On Error Resume Next

With update_rs

!任务状态 = Text1(0).Text '新记录赋值

End With



Set update_rs = Nothing


Set update_conn = Nothing

key_data = Text1(0) '主键赋值

MsgBox "更新完成!"

Adodc1.Refresh '刷新显示结果


Text1(0).SetFocus '第一个录入数据控件获得焦点



MsgBox "任务状态不能为空"

Exit Sub

End If

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

Private Sub Command取消_Click()

frm_datatype = 5

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

Dim i '清空控件中的数据

For i = 1 To Text1.Count

Text1(i - 1).Text = ""

Next i


search_filter = ""



End Sub

Private Sub Command删除_Click()

On Error GoTo 删除失败错误

Dim del_data As String

del_data = DataGrid1.Columns(0).Text

If MsgBox("是否删除任务状态为【" & del_data & "】 的记录?", vbYesNo, "提示") <> vbYes Then '删除前提醒

Exit Sub

End If


Dim del_conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim del_sql As String

del_sql = "delete from 任务状态表 Where 任务状态='" & del_data & "'" '定义删除sql语句

With del_conn

.ConnectionString = "Provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\db_rw.mdb;Jet OLEDB:DataBase password=abc123;persist security info=false"


.Execute del_sql '执行删除

End With


Set del_conn = Nothing

MsgBox "删除成功"

Adodc1.Refresh '刷新显示结果


Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

Private Sub Command添加_Click()

frm_datatype = 1

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

Dim i

For i = 1 To Text1.Count '控件取消锁定可录入数据

Text1(i - 1).Text = ""

Text1(i - 1).Locked = False

Next i

Text1(0).Locked = False

Text1(0).SetFocus '第一个控件获得焦点

End Sub

Private Sub Command修改_Click()

key_data = 0

frm_datatype = 2

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

End Sub

Private Sub DataGrid1_DblClick()

If frm_datatype <> 2 Then '判断是否为修改状态

MsgBox "需要修改数据,请先进入修改状态"

Exit Sub

End If

Dim i

For i = 0 To Text1.UBound '获取选择记录的数据

Text1(i).Text = DataGrid1.Columns(i).Text

Next i


For i = 0 To Text1.UBound

Text1(i).Locked = False

Next i

Text1(0).Locked = False


key_data = Text1(0).Text '主键赋值

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() '窗体加载

frm_title = "任务状态管理" '赋值标题到变量

frm_datatype = 5 '设置窗体当前管理数据类型

Call changetitle(frm_datatype)

Dim i

For i = 1 To Text1.Count '控件锁定不可录入数据

Text1(i - 1).Text = ""

Text1(i - 1).Locked = True

Next i

Adodc1.Refresh '刷新

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_GotFocus(Index As Integer) '文本框获得焦点,背景色修改,选中原有文本

Text1(Index).BackColor = &HFFFF00

Text1(Index).SelStart = 0

Text1(Index).SelLength = Len(Text1(Index))

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus(Index As Integer) '文本框失去焦点设计填充颜色(恢复)

Text1(Index).BackColor = &H80000005

End Sub

Sub changetitle(ByVal frmdatatype As Integer) '根据状态显示不同标题,设置按钮状态

Select Case frmdatatype

Case 1 '添加

Me.Caption = frm_title & "(添加)"


Me.Command添加.Enabled = False

Me.Command修改.Enabled = False

Me.Command保存.Enabled = True

Me.Command取消.Enabled = True

Me.Command删除.Enabled = False

Case 2 '添加

Me.Caption = frm_title & "(修改)"


Me.Command添加.Enabled = False

Me.Command修改.Enabled = False

Me.Command保存.Enabled = True

Me.Command取消.Enabled = True

Me.Command删除.Enabled = False

Case 3 '删除

Me.Caption = frm_title

Case 5 '取消

Me.Caption = frm_title


Me.Command添加.Enabled = True

Me.Command修改.Enabled = True

Me.Command保存.Enabled = False

Me.Command取消.Enabled = True

Me.Command删除.Enabled = True

key_data = 0


Dim i

For i = 0 To Text1.UBound

Text1(i).Locked = True

Next i

Case Else

Me.Caption = frm_title


Me.Command添加.Enabled = False

Me.Command修改.Enabled = False

Me.Command保存.Enabled = False

Me.Command取消.Enabled = False

Me.Command删除.Enabled = False

End Select

End Sub



Public login_name As String '账号

Public login_pw As String '密码

Public user_name As String '姓名

Public user_role As String '角色


Public 全部任务权限 As Boolean

Public 任务查看权限 As Boolean

Public 任务添加权限 As Boolean

Public 任务更新权限 As Boolean

Public 任务删除权限 As Boolean

Public 常见任务管理权限 As Boolean

Public 负责人管理权限 As Boolean

Public 任务类型管理权限 As Boolean

Public 任务状态管理权限 As Boolean



Public rw_filter As String '筛选

Public rw_order As String '排序

Public rw_num As Long '主键

Public rw_formname As String '任务选择


Public Function dlookuplink(ByVal rsfieldname As String, ByVal rstable As String, ByVal rscondition As String, ByVal nullvalue) As String '查询指定记录返回值

Dim dlookuplink_conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim dlookuplink_rs As New ADODB.Recordset

dlookuplink = nullvalue

On Error GoTo 查找记录出错

With dlookuplink_conn

.ConnectionString = "Provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\db_rw.mdb;Jet OLEDB:DataBase password=abc123;persist security info=false"


End With

dlookuplink_rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Dim dlookuplink_sql As String

If rscondition <> "" Then

dlookuplink_sql = "Select * From " & rstable & " where " & rscondition


dlookuplink_sql = "Select * From " & rstable

End If

dlookuplink_rs.Open dlookuplink_sql, dlookuplink_conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If dlookuplink_rs.EOF = False Then

dlookuplink = dlookuplink_rs.Fields(rsfieldname)


dlookuplink = nullvalue

End If


Set dlookuplink_rs = Nothing


Set dlookuplink_conn = Nothing

Exit Function



Set dlookuplink_rs = Nothing


Set dlookuplink_conn = Nothing

dlookuplink = nullvalue

MsgBox Err.Description

End Function

Public Function dcountlink(ByVal rsfieldname As String, ByVal rstable As String, ByVal rscondition As String, ByVal nullvalue As Long) As Long '查询记录数量

Dim dcountlink_conn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim dcountlink_rs As New ADODB.Recordset

dcountlink = nullvalue

On Error GoTo 查找记录出错

With dcountlink_conn

.ConnectionString = "Provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\db_rw.mdb;Jet OLEDB:DataBase password=abc123;persist security info=false"


End With

dcountlink_rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

Dim dcountlink_sql As String

If rscondition <> "" Then

dcountlink_sql = "Select * From " & rstable & " where " & rscondition


dcountlink_sql = "Select * From " & rstable

End If

dcountlink_rs.Open dcountlink_sql, dcountlink_conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If dcountlink_rs.EOF = False Then

dcountlink = dcountlink_rs.RecordCount


dcountlink = nullvalue

End If


Set dcountlink_rs = Nothing


Set dcountlink_conn = Nothing

Exit Function



Set dcountlink_rs = Nothing


Set dcountlink_conn = Nothing

dcountlink = nullvalue

MsgBox Err.Description

End Function

Public Function FileFolderExists(strFullPath As String) As Boolean '判断文件夹是否存在

On Error GoTo EarlyExit

If Not Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then FileFolderExists = True


On Error GoTo 0

End Function





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