对于“日本人能否大致看懂中文”这个问题,这就跟我们读文言文遇到的障碍一样,字我都认识,一部分词也可以明白大概的意思,但连成句子,甚至整个段落,看起来的确困难重重,这可能跟日语中的汉字现在所处的环境差不多。在海外问答论坛 quora上,日本网友提问道:中文和日语相近,日本人是怎样看待汉语的?这引起各国网友的关注,我们看看他们的回答。
The study of ancient Chinese classics (Confucius, Sun Tzu, Mencius, etc.) was the pillar of warrior education before the Meiji Restoration, which was extended to Japanese modern junior high school/high school curriculum. In a typical high school, ancient Chinese texts will become a compulsory course together with modern Japanese, ancient Japanese texts, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, world history, Japanese history, etc..
Interestingly, we (and the samurai) generally read these texts in Japanese rather than Chinese, and even the order of Chinese characters is often reversed to conform to the Japanese grammatical framework. Therefore, we mainly study content, not language. In addition to accumulating vocabulary of about 4-5000 Chinese characters, we have also disseminated many traditional Chinese thoughts and cultures. When I was in high school, I never thought that I was studying Chinese, but ancient Chinese philosophy.
However, today's Chinese writing is not so easy for us, especially reading comprehension. Reading billboards in Chinese Mainland is actually a challenge. Most characters can be recognized individually, but when combined, we are at a loss. So far, many signs in Taiwan, China, China are easier to identify immediately, probably because many of them come from the Japanese occupation.