要说在社交场合最“万能”的裙子,非little black dress(小黑裙)莫属了!
- a short or medium-length black dress that is suitable for a woman to wear to almost any social occasion
大V领 收腰的wrap dress(裹身裙)又有谁不喜欢呢?
- a dress that is made so that one side of the front crosses over the other and is fastened at the side or tied at the back
秋冬季节,coat dress一定是最实用了!
- a woman’s dress that fastens down the front and looks like a coat
春秋季shirtdress(衬衫裙)是个不错的选择。也可以用shirtwaist (dress)来表达。
- a woman's dress in the style of a long shirt