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The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Clear and Bright (Chinese: 清明), the 5th solar term, starts this year on Apr 4 and ends on Apr 18.中国传统二十四节气的第五个节气是清明,今年清明从4月4日开始,4月18日结束。

Of all the 24 solar terms, Clear and Bright is the only one whose first day is also a traditional Chinese festival, Qingming Festival or Tomb-Sweeping Day. The words "clear" and "bright" describe the weather during this period. Temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases, making it a crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring.在二十四节气中,只有清明节气的第一天也是中国的传统节日——清明节。“清”和“明”是对这一时期天气的描述。气温开始回升,降雨增多,是春耕春播的关键时期。

Here are 8 things you may not know about Clear and Bright.一起来了解关于清明的8个小知识。


White and yellow chrysanthemums are usually presented as tribute to the dead in China. [Photo/Xinhua]

Worshiping Ancestors 祭拜祖先

Clear and Bright is a period in which Chinese people honor nature and the ancestors of the Chinese nation. The worship of nature and ancestors can be traced to ancient times, and still matters a lot in modern society.清明节是中国人崇尚自然和中华民族祖先的节日。对自然和祖先的崇拜可以追溯到古代,在现代社会仍然非常重要。

Cleaning the tombs and paying respect to the dead with offerings are the two important practices to remember late relatives. Weeds around the tomb are cleared away and fresh soil is added to show care for the dead.扫墓和用祭品祭奠逝者是缅怀先人的两个重要习俗。清理坟墓周围的杂草、添土,以表示对逝者的关怀。

The dead person's favorite food, wine and chopsticks are offered on their tombs, along with paper money. These sacrifices are all burned in the hope that the deceased will not lack food and money in the afterlife.逝者生前最爱吃的食物、酒和筷子以及纸钱都会被供奉在墓前。焚烧这些祭品是希望逝者在去世后(的世界)不会缺食少钱。



Willow Branches 插柳

Legend has it that Clear and Bright is one of three periods during the year in which ghosts come closest to the world of living men. Buddhists believe that willow branches will drive away unwelcome ghosts and evil spirits. Therefore, willow branches are also known as "ghost terror wood".传说清明节是一年中鬼魂最接近人间的三个节气之一。佛家认为,柳枝可以驱赶不受欢迎的鬼魂和邪灵。因此,柳枝又被称为“鬼怖木”。

Folk proverbs also dictate customs. One proverb states that if a young lady does not wear a willow branch during the Clear and Bright period, she will soon turn old. Another says: "If one does not wear a willow, he will become a yellow dog after he dies and is reincarnated."民间谚语也体现出节日习俗。比如,“清明不插柳,红颜变皓首”、“清明不插柳,死后变黄狗”。


A tourist enjoys cherry blossoms at Yuyuantan Park in Beijing, capital of China, March 27, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

Spring Outings 踏青

Not only is it a period for commemorating the dead, it is also time for people to go out and enjoy nature.春天不仅是纪念逝者的季节,也是人们外出享受大自然的季节。

As trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly, everything returns to life. It is a fine time to appreciate the beauty of nature. This custom can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476BC) and Warring States Period (475 – 221BC).树木吐绿,百花盛开,阳光明媚,万物复苏。这是一个欣赏自然之美的好时节。这一习俗可以追溯到春秋战国时期。

Strolling outside in spring adds joy to life and promotes a healthy body and mind.春天到户外漫步,能给生活增添乐趣,有益身心健康。


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