
首页 > 文化 > 作者:YD1662024-04-08 04:39:38


Flying Kites 放风筝

Flying kites is an activity favored by many Chinese during Tomb-Sweeping Day. Kites are not only flown during the day time but also in the evening. Little lanterns are tied to the kite or to the kite string. And when the kites are flying in the sky, the lanterns look like twinkling stars at night. What makes flying kites during this day special is that people cut the string while the kite is in the sky to let it fly free. It is said this brings good luck and that diseases can be chased away by doing this.清明节期间,放风筝是许多中国人喜爱的活动。白天和晚上都有人放风筝。风筝或线绳上会系上小灯笼。当风筝在天空中飞翔时,灯笼就像夜晚闪烁的星星。这一天放风筝的特别之处在于,人们会在风筝升空时剪断风筝线,让风筝自由飞翔。据说这样做能带来好运,赶走疾病。


[File photo]

Cold Food Festival 寒食节

The Cold Food Festival or Hanshi Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated for one day before Tomb-Sweeping Day. On that day, making fire is taboo and only cold food is available.寒食节是清明节前一天的中国传统节日。这一天忌讳生火,只能吃冷食。


Students play Cuju game in Zibo, Shandong province, April 2, 2014. [Photo/Xinhua]

Cuju 蹴鞠

Cuju is an interesting game played during this period. Ju is a ball made of leather with hairs plugged in it. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor first invented it for training warriors. Later, Cu Ju was used by people to build up their bodies when they were unable to eat hot food during the Cold Food Festival.清明时期一项有趣的运动是踢蹴鞠。蹴鞠是一种用皮革做成的球,里面塞有羽毛。传说黄帝最早发明蹴鞠是为了训练战士。后来,人们在寒食节吃不上热食时,就用蹴鞠来强身健体。



Eating Eggs 吃鸡蛋

In many parts of China, eating eggs during Tomb-Sweeping Day is as important as eating moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. The Chinese folk belief is that eating an egg on Tomb-Sweeping Day will bring good health all year. In China, this custom has lasted for thousands of years.在许多地方,清明节吃鸡蛋与中秋节吃月饼一样重要。民间认为,在清明节吃一个鸡蛋会带来一年的健康。在中国,这一习俗已经延续了数千年。

The origin of eating eggs dates back to "Shangsi Jie" (a traditional Chinese festival). In ancient times, women who want to have babies after marriage often colored boiled eggs with different colors and put them into the river, and people living in the lower reaches of the river picked the eggs up and ate them. It was said that the more eggs were eaten, the greater the chance the woman will get pregnant. Today, people believe that eating eggs on Tomb-Sweeping Day will bring success.吃鸡蛋的起源可以追溯到(中国传统节日)“上巳节”。在古代,想要孩子的已婚女性常常把煮熟的鸡蛋染上不同的颜色,然后投入河中,住在河下游的人就把鸡蛋捡起来吃掉。据说吃的鸡蛋越多,女性*的几率就越大。如今,人们相信在清明节吃鸡蛋会带来成功。






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