
首页 > 游戏 > 作者:YD1662023-10-29 06:02:01




In the Burning Crusade, we’ve decided to make a fundamental change to the way spells calculate the bonus they receive from healing and spell damage effects and items. This is because we have seen a growing trend in using “downranking” and large amounts of healing items, which we feel negatively impacts game balance. Downranking involves high-level players using lower level spell ranks and healing gear to conserve mana, but maintain a high rate of healing done. Through this method, it has become possible in the live game for healing characters to heal large amounts of damage indefinitely without running out of mana. To maintain progression of use through spell ranks, we are changing how lower ranked spells relate to characters of higher level.

在TBC资料片中,我们决定对计算法术加成系数的方法作一个基础性的改动(就是那些从装备或者天赋中获得的治疗加成和法术加成)(治疗效果以下简称为_奶强,法术加成以下简称为_法伤)。因为我们发现玩家中有一种倾向于使用“降级法术”和堆砌奶强装备的趋势 ,我们觉得这会影响到游戏的平衡。所谓的“降级法术”指高等级的玩家使用低等级法术搭配奶强装备来节约蓝量,但同时却能保持高效的治疗。通过这种方法,玩家们在战斗中持续治疗高额伤害的同时又能保持法力充沛就不再是一种奢望。为了玩家随着等级提升能更好地掌握高等级法术,我们打算修改低等级法术与高等级人物之间的联系。

Spells will now receive a smaller bonus from healing and spell damage based on a comparison of the level at which the spell was learned and the caster’s current level. Take the Priest spell Heal 2 as an example:


The spell is learned at level 22, and the base points for healing on the spell keep increasing until level 27. So, level 27 is considered the spell’s max level in our calculation.


This system gives an additional 6 levels of slack before applying any penalty to casting Heal 2; so, players up to level 33 can cast it with no penalty.


In this example, we will use level 34 (one level past the cast level of the spell) as a starting point.


The bonus from healing is multiplied by this ratio:


((spell level) 6)/(player level)

((法术等级) 6)/(人物等级)

That means the level 34 player only gets 97% of the normal bonus from healing items when casting Heal 2. A level 60 player would only get 55% of the bonus, while a level 70 would get 47%.


The exact same system will also apply to damage spells. However, as healing classes tend to use downranking more often than others, healers are likely to see more effect from this change than other classes. As a general rule, players will be able to use the top 2 or 3 ranks of each spell before receiving any penalty. All of the existing ratios for the healing and spell damage bonuses on spells are also still in effect; so spells with a short casting time will continue to receive a smaller bonus than spells with a longer casting time. Spells learned below level 20 will still receive substantially smaller bonuses.



蓝帖中的公式所提到的法术等级应为原文中的最高法术等级(the spell’s max level)。

所以2级治疗术套用该公式时,34级获得的加成为 (33 6)/34=97%,60级获得的加成为 (33 6)/60=55%,70级获得的加成为 (33 6)/70=47%。


下面我将以德鲁伊的治疗之触(以下简称为_触)举例说明,假设a为习得x级触的人物等级,b为习得(x 1)级触的人物等级,c为当前人物等级,其中x>1,0<a<b≤c。

则在新加成规则下:玩家在习得x级触前,(x-1)级触的基础数值将持续增长;玩家习得(x 1)级触前,使用(x-1)级触将会获得100%的奶强/法术加成;当玩家习得(x 1)级触后,再使用x级触将受到等级惩罚。

等级惩罚的系数为[(a-1) (b-a)]/c,在有人物等级与技能等级对照的情况下可化简为(b-1)/c。


20级-4级触:[(26-1) 6]/70=44%

26级-5级触:[(32-1) 6]/70=52%

32级-6级触:[(38-1) 6]/70=61%

38级-7级触:[(44-1) 6]/70=70%

44级-8级触:[(50-1) 6]/70=78%

50级-9级触:[(56-1) 4]/70=84%

56级-10级触:[(60-1) 2]/70=87%

60级-11级触:[(62-1) 7]/70=97%







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