Mengsk: “You and Captain Raynor have done well, Commander. I believe our efforts have weakened the Confederacy’s grip on the fringe worlds, but our job out here isn’t done yet. Lieutenant Kerrigan, my second in command, will elaborate.”
Kerrigan: “I’ll get straight to the point. Our sources tell us that Antiga Prime is ready to begin open revolt against the Confederacy. Unfortunately, the Confederates seem to be aware of this as well. They’ve stationed a large detachment of Alpha Squadron troops there, under the command of General Duke.”
Mengsk: “It will be your job, Commander, to free this colony and show our good intent to the Antigan people. Lieutenant Kerrigan will help you deal with Duke’s officers. The rest of the Confederates are yours to deal with.”
Kerrigan: “Captain Raynor, I’ve finished scouting out the area, and – you pig!”