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Talking about driving


A: Check out this bad boy. I got it last week.

B: Wow. Looks awesome! How much did it cost you?

A: 50 grand.

B: US dollar?

A: Yeah. Get in. Let’s go for a spin.

B: Haven’t you been drinking? I don’t want you to get a DUI or anything.

A: It’s okay. It won’t be my first time to drive under the influence. I’ll be slow. Trust me.

B: Alright. Wait. Let me buckle up first. Can you roll up the window please?

A: Sure. We’ll just take a right turn here. Sit tight! I’m gonna step on the gas now.

B: Careful! Take it easy . We’re in no hurry.

A: Calm down. I know when to hit the brakes. I don’t wanna get a ticket for speeding.

B: Could you pull over? I gotta use the restroom.


  1. awesome 非常棒的;例句:Your hair looks awesome! 你的头发看上去特别好看。
  1. cost 花费;cost someone money花费某人钱;例句:It cost me 3 dollars. 这花了我三块钱。注:cost的过去式仍为cost.
  1. Grand 千美金; 3,000 dollars = 3 grand.
  1. DUI: drive under the influence 酒驾;
  1. Careful 小心点,完整形式为Be careful!
  1. Speed 速度;超速;例句:Speed up! 加速啊!


  1. check out 看看;仔细瞧瞧;例句:Check out that guy. He’s so tall! 看那个男的,他真高啊。
  1. bad boy 坏小子;此处表示‘心仪喜欢的东西’,一般男人用;例句:These bad boys cost me 3 grand.这幅眼镜花了我三千块。(眼镜用复数)
  1. US dollar 美金;dollar在美国表示美金,但在其他国家要注意:加拿大币叫Canadian dollar; 澳币叫Australian dollar. 此处US dollar强调是美金,不是其他种类的dollar.
  1. Get in! 完整为Get in the car. 上车;汽车用get in; 而公交车用get on the bus; 火车用get on the train; 飞机用get on the plane; 反之,下车叫get out of the car; 下公交车get off the buss; 下飞机则为get off the plane.
  1. Go for a spin 去兜风;带某人兜风为take someone out for a spin.例句:Let me take you out for a spin.我带你去兜兜风;这里的spin美国人也喜欢用ride; Let’s go for a ride.
  1. Get a DUI 被查到酒驾
  1. Buckle up 系好安全带; 安全带的名词为seatbelt;所以系好安全带也可以说put on the seatbelt或fasten the seatbelt. 飞机上系好安全带喜欢说Please fasten your seatbelt.
  1. Roll up the window 把车窗摇上去,即关车窗;反之则为roll down the window开车窗;
  1. Take a right turn 右转;take a left turn左转;简洁版为:turn right 或turn left; 或take a right 或take a left.
  1. Sit tight 坐好了; sleep tight 睡个好觉。
  1. Step on the gas. 踩油门加速; 也可以说hit the gas. 例句:What are you waiting for? Hit the gas.还等什么啊?赶紧踩油门啊。
  1. Take it easy 淡定;放轻松;消消气等;口语里也经常直接说Easy!
  1. In no hurry 不赶时间;也可以说in no rush. 例句:Don’t worry. We’re in no rush.别担心,我们不急;反之则为in a hurry或in a rush表示赶时间。例句:Hurry up! I’m in a rush.快点啊我赶时间呢!直接用hurry或rush表示‘急什么’,比如:What’s the hurry?你匆匆忙忙急什么啊?
  1. Calm down 淡定;情绪稳定下来。
  1. Hit the brakes 踩刹车; brakes 表示刹车。
  1. Get a ticket 收到罚单;这里的ticket不是票而是罚单。
  1. Pull over 靠边停车; 例句:Can you just pull over here?你能就在这靠边停吗?The police pulled us over. 我们被警察叫停在路边了。
  1. Use the restroom 去趟洗手间;这里的restroom可以换成washroom; 美国人也会随意的用bathroom,因为bathroom本身是家里的洗手间,但公共场所美国人也会用;英国人喜欢用toilet表示厕所;而toilet在美国则表示马桶。


  1. Haven’t you been …? 你不是一直在…? 例句:Haven’t you been working out?你不是一直在健身么?
  1. I don’t want you to…我不想你…;例句:I don’t want you to be with him.我不想你和他在一起。
  1. It’s okay. 没关系的;没事的;不用的。回答别人的道歉与邀请可以用。
  1. My first time to…我第一次…例句:This is my first time to travel alone.这是我第一次一个人旅行;It’s not her first time to get arrested. 这不是她第一次被警察抓了。

















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