carryyour中文意思,carryyour 是什么意思

首页 > 国学 > 作者:YD1662023-04-17 23:00:24



But when Shakespeare's talking about "love," he's not talking about romantic love or feminine beauty-the first 126 sonnets in Shakespeare's work are generally understood to be addressed towards a man, and many of the surrounding pieces are actually encouraging procreation. Shakespeare isn't wooing a beautiful woman; he's telling a wealthy young ponz exactly what he wants to hear: that he's just so damn sexy that it'd be pretty much the worst thing in the world if he didn't have kids.


War is mankind's most tragic and stupid folly; to seek or advise its deliberate provocation is a black crime against all men.

Leaving here, you carry with you the respect of your fellow citizens. You will represent a national with history and hope on our side. Your charge now is not only to protect your country, but to do what is right and just.



We mark the passing of 800 years, and that is indeed a remarkable span for any institution. But history is never an even-flowing stream, and the most remarkable thing about modern Cambridge has been its enormous growth over the past half century.





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