
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662023-04-20 11:18:42


hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/ adj. 感到饿的,饥饿的

excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/ v. 原谅,宽恕

melon /ˈmelən/ n. 瓜,香瓜

course /kɔːs/ n. 课程;过程;道路,航线;进程,进展

of course 一定,当然

give v. 给,交给;赠送,赠与

try on 试穿;试验

pass /pɑːs/ v. 经过,越过;前行,穿过;使穿过;传递,传送;传达(信息);传(球)

cold 冷的

show /ʃəʊ/ v. 显示,表明;给……看,出示

old adj. (人)……岁的,(事物)存在……久的;年老的

quilt /kwɪlt/ n. 被子,被褥 kui ou t


What's this? It's a cake.

What's that? It's an orange.

Are you hungry?

Oh,nice! 哦,太好了!

May I have some?我可以吃一些吗?

Excuse me.对不起 Yes? 什么事?

May I have some? Of course. 当然

Is that your apple? Yes ,it is.

May I have it? 可以给我吗? Please.

I'm hungry.

give me some bread. 给我一些面包

Try on that new shirt.试试那件新衬衫

Pass me the ball. 把球传给我 All right.好的

I'm cold.我很冷

Show me your hat. 给我看看你的帽子

My hat is old.

Try on that new shirt. Oh,nice! 太好了

Pass me the quilt.把被子给我




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