
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662023-04-21 09:27:00



第二届中国国际进口博览会 the second China International Import Expo (CIIE)




Covering a total area of 30,000 square meters, the country exhibitions will host 64 countries (including China) and three international organizations, with uniquely designed pavilions to showcase the countries' development achievements, business environment and special industries.国家展总展览面积3万平方米,集中展示各国发展成就、营商环境和特色产业。各国家馆的形象设计独具本国特色,共有64个国家(含中国)、3个国际组织参展。

The 15 guest countries of honor are Cambodia, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, India, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Peru, Russia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Zambia.15个主宾国(按英文字母排序)分别是柬埔寨、捷克、法国、希腊、印度、意大利、牙买加、约旦、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、秘鲁、俄罗斯、泰国、乌兹别克斯坦和赞比亚。


Covering 330,000 square meters, the business exhibitions have attracted more than 3,000 companies from over 150 countries and regions.企业展总展览面积33万平方米,来自150多个国家和地区的3000多家企业签约参展。


The second Hongqiao International Economic Forum, under the theme of "Opening-up and Innovation for Win-win Cooperation," includes five parallel sessions and attracts over 4,000 delegates.第二届虹桥国际经济论坛主题为“开放创新、合作共赢”,包括5场分论坛,有4000多名代表参会。

The scale of the second CIIE is larger than the first one, with the total exhibition area rising to 360,000 square meters from 300,000 square meters last year.第二届进博会的规模比第一届更大。首届展览总面积30万平方米,今年达到36万平方米。

A total of 71.13 billion US dollars worth of tentative deals were reached for one-year purchases of goods and services during the second China International Import Expo (CIIE), up 23 percent year on year, Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the CIIE bureau, told a press conference Sunday.中国国际进口博览局副局长孙成海介绍,按一年计,第二届中国国际进口博览会累计意向成交711.3亿美元,比首届增长23%。

Among the expo's diverse displays, 391 new products, technologies and services were launched for the first time on the Chinese mainland or worldwide, he added.多样化的展品中,全球或中国大陆首发新产品、新技术或服务391件。

More than 230 companies from all over the world have signed up for the third CIIE, with their combined exhibition area exceeding 84,000 square meters, according to Sun. Among them are more than 80 Fortune Global 500 companies or industrial leaders, with a total exhibition area of more than 50,000 square meters.截至目前,已有230多家企业签约报名第三届企业展,展览面积超过8.4万平方米。其中,世界500强和龙头企业超过80家,展览面积超过5万平方米。

治疗阿尔茨海默病国产新药 the world's first innovative therapy for treating Alzheimer's disease

A homegrown drug, GV-971,which is the world's first innovative therapy for treating Alzheimer's disease in 17 years will be available to Chinese patients before the end of this year, its developers said on Sunday.11月3日,治疗阿尔茨海默病国产新药——九期一(○内加“R”)(甘露特钠,代号:GV—971)的研发机构表示,该药将在今年年底与国内患者见面,填补了全球阿尔茨海默病治疗领域17年无新药上市的空白。

该药以海洋褐藻提取物为原料(materials extracted from brown algae),制备获得的低分子酸性寡糖化合物,可明显改善轻度至中度阿尔茨海默病患者认知功能(treat mild to moderate forms of the disease and improve cognition)。

Alzheimer's disease, an irreversible and progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory, thinking ability and the capability to carry out simple tasks, affects at least 50 million people worldwide, and the number is expected to increase as populations age.阿尔茨海默病是一种不可逆的、渐进型大脑紊乱病症,会缓慢损坏记忆力、思考能力以及执行简单任务的能力,全世界至少有5000万患者,随着人口老龄化加剧,患者数量还会继续增加。

China has roughly 10 million people with Alzheimer's, the most in the world.我国有阿尔茨海默病患者约1000万人,是世界上患者人数最多的国家。


Scientists said the drug functions mainly by rebalancing gut microbiota, reducing neuro-inflammation and reducing cognitive impairment.科学家表示,该药主要通过重塑肠道菌群平衡,减少相关神经炎症的发生,从而改善认知功能障碍。


A phase III clinical trial of the drug involving 818 patients completed in July last year had "proven to continuously and effectively improve cognition among mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease sufferers over a period of nine months," said Geng Meiyu, lead researcher on the drug and a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Shanghai Institute of Materia Medic.该药主要发明人、中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员耿美玉介绍,“九期一”的3期临床试验研究于去年7月完成了818例受试者的服药观察,在为期36周的试验中,“九期一”能够明显改善轻、中度阿尔茨海默病患者的认知功能障碍。


The first production line for the drug will begin running this week. Patients will be able to buy the drug around the country from Dec 29, and more production lines will gradually be put into operation, which will meet the needs of 2 million patients, according to Shanghai Green Valley Pharmaceutical, one of the drug's developers.该药的研发机构之一、上海绿谷制药有限公司表示,“九期一”将于本周投产第一批,预计12月29日投放至全国。生产企业正在筹建新工厂,建成后可满足每年200万患者用药量的生产、销售。

巴黎圣母院修复工作 restoration work of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Chinese experts will participate in the restoration work of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, said China's National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA). China and France will collaborate on the theme and model of the restoration, and select Chinese experts for the cooperative restoration work in 2020.国家文物局表示,中国专家将参与巴黎圣母院修复工作。中法双方将在2020年确定巴黎圣母院保护修复合作的主题、模式及中方专家人选。


国家文物局局长刘玉珠表示,今年4月巴黎圣母院发生火灾后,中法文化遗产主管部门间多次函件来往(in frequent contact),讨论合作设想。


The church receives almost 13 million visitors each year, more than the Eiffel Tower巴黎圣母院每年接待近1300万游客,高于埃菲尔铁塔的游客量。

A Unesco World Heritage site, it was built in the 12th and 13th centuries这里是联合国教科文组织世界遗产地,始建于12世纪到13世纪。

Several statues of the facade of the Catholic cathedral were removed for renovation巴黎圣母院正面的几座雕像因修缮工程而被移走。

The roof, which has been destroyed by the blaze, was made mostly of wood被大火烧毁的屋顶主要是木制结构。


Although the specific themes and time frame for Sino-French cooperation on Notre Dame Cathedral is yet to be formally set out, Chai Xiaoming, director of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage, said China can not only contribute general ideas but also detailed technical plans for the upcoming renovation.虽然中法在巴黎圣母院修复合作方面的具体主题和时间框架尚未正式明确,不过,中国文化遗产研究院院长柴晓明表示,在修复工作中,中国在总体理念和具体的技术方案上都能提供帮助。

"China has a great deal of experience in renovating ancient buildings affected by fire, especially ones made of wood," Chai tells China Daily. "This means we could offer suggestions on how to approach the renovation of the oak-framed roof on Notre Dame Cathedral."



The two sides will also launch science and technology exchanges and training programs on the protection of the Terracotta Warriors in the northwestern Chinese city of Xi'an, according to the document.文件还明确中法双方将就陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑保护开展技术与科学交流及培训项目。


The Terracotta Warriors and Notre Dame are the most important symbols among the UNESCO World Heritage sites of China and France respectively. This collaboration shows our established relationship and highlights the mutual trust between the two countries.秦始皇陵兵马俑和巴黎圣母院是中法两国最重要的联合国教科文组织世界遗产。这次合作体现了双方信任程度和合作深度。

The project will greatly expand the horizons of Sino-French cooperation in terms of cultural heritage. It will set a good example to the world.该修复项目将极大拓展中法文化遗产合作的深度,在世界范围内产生积极示范效应。

顺风车 hitchhike ride

The trial of the hitchhiking service will start in the cities of Harbin, Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang and Changzhou from Nov 20 and cover Shenyang, Beijing and Nantong from Nov 29, Didi said.滴滴表示,顺风车服务将于11月20日起在哈尔滨、太原、石家庄以及常州,11月29日起在沈阳、北京和南通开始试运营。


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