
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662023-04-21 09:27:00

顺风车(ride sharing/hitchhiking service)只是网约车平台提供的众多服务之一,其他还包括专车(tailored taxi service)、快车(fast ride)、出租车(taxi hailing)、单车(bike sharing)、代驾(chauffeuring)、自驾租车(car rental)等。




The relaunch is only a trial in limited regions, and that the hitchhiking service will continue to improve in line with feedback from the public.目前公布的是顺风车小范围试运行方案,未来正式上线的方案,将根据社会各方的意见反馈不断完善。


The company said that it would offer Hitch service from 5 am to 8 pm for all users during the trial period.滴滴表示,试运营期间,对所有顺风车用户提供服务的时间均调整为5时-20时。

"The change of the service time to between 5 am to 8 pm might not be the perfect solution. But it's the optimal choice after taking all conditions into consideration," the company said in a statement.该公司在声明中表示,“试运营时间调整为5点至20点一定不是最完美的方案,但确实是我们在各种条件下权衡做出的选择。”


The company said it had considered prolonging the Hitch service to passengers of both genders until 11 pm. But it said that during the time it was operating Hitch, it had seen a big increase in passenger complaints after 8 pm, so it decided on the more conservative operating hours for the test period.滴滴表示,也曾考虑过将运营时间统一调整为23点,但是根据顺风车过往安全投诉数据统计,20点以后的乘客投诉数量会激增,因此决定在试运营期间采用更加保守的方案。

全国人口普查 national census

China plans to conduct its seventh national census in 2020, the State Council announced Friday. The census, to begin on Nov 1, 2020, will survey the amount, structure and distribution of the population, as well as rural and urban housing situation, according to a notice issued by the State Council.国务院11月8日发布通知,我国将于2020年开展第七次全国人口普查。普查将于2020年11月1日开始,全面查清我国人口数量、结构、分布、城乡住房等方面情况。


全国人口普查(national census)是指在国家统一规定的时间内(within a defined period),按照统一的方法、统一的项目、统一的调查表和统一的标准时点(using the same method, categories and survey forms at a set time),对全国人口普遍地、逐户逐人地进行的一次性调查登记。

普查对象是普查标准时点在中华人民共和国境内的自然人(the natural persons living within the territory of the People's Republic of China on the standard time point of census)以及在中华人民共和国境外但未定居的中国公民(the Chinese citizens who are outside the territory of the People's Republic of China but have not become permanent residents of the other country),不包括在中华人民共和国境内短期停留的境外人员(foreigners who are making a short-term stay within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be excluded)。

普查的内容包括姓名(name)、公民身份号码(ID number)、性别(gender)、年龄(age)、民族(ethnicity)、受教育程度(education background)、行业(industry)、职业(profession)、迁移流动(migration)、婚姻生育(marriage and childbearing status)、死亡(death)、住房情况(housing situation)等。



全国经济普查(national economic census)是国家为全面详细了解我国二、三产业(secondary and tertiary industries)发展状况而统一组织的一项重大国情国力调查,是国家为摸清“家底”、掌握国情国力而采取的有效方法。全国经济普查每5年进行一次。除第一次全国经济普查国务院确定在2004年实施外,以后均在逢3、逢8的年份实施。

全国农业普查(national agricultural census)是按照国家规定的统一方法、统一时间、统一表式和统一内容,主要采取普查人员直接到户、到单位访问登记的办法,全面收集农村(rural areas)、农业(agriculture)和农民(farmers)有关情况,为研究制定农村经济社会发展规划(rural social and economic development plan)和新农村建设政策(policies on building of new countryside)提供依据,为农业生产经营者和社会公众提供统计信息服务。农业普查在中国每十年进行一次。我国已经成功进行过三次全国农业普查,分别在1997年、2007年和2017年。

通知明确,要建立健全普查数据质量追溯和问责机制(a data quality-tracking and accountability mechanism),各级人民政府统计机构要加大对普查工作中违纪违法行为的查处和通报曝光力度(toughen the punishment of illegal acts during the census),坚决杜绝人为干扰普查工作的现象,确保普查工作顺利进行和普查数据真实准确。要全流程加强对公民个人信息的保护,各级普查机构及其工作人员必须严格履行保密义务,严禁向任何机构、单位、个人泄露或出售公民个人信息(no one is allowed to leak or sell personal information to any institution, unit or individual)。

圈养大熊猫 captive pandas

A total of 60 captive panda cubs were born, 57 of which survived this year, leading to a captive panda population of 600 worldwide, China's National Forestry and Grassland Administration said Tuesday.国家林草局11月12日表示,2019年共繁殖大熊猫60只,存活57只,全球圈养大熊猫数量达到600只。




pig(猪)--piglet/ porkling / gilt

horse(马)--foal / colt / filly






The rising number of captive pandas showed that a healthy, dynamic and sustainable captive panda population has basically taken shape, according to the administration, adding research on wild giant pandas is also making progress.


There are fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the wild, mostly in the provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi.目前,野外生存的大熊猫不到2000只,大部分生活在四川和陕西省。

马首铜像 bronze horse-head statue

A red bronze horse-head statue was donated back by Macao-based tycoon and collector Stanley Ho Hung-sun and handed over to the National Cultural Heritage Administration in Beijing on Wednesday.11月13日,澳门商人及收藏家何鸿燊捐赠马首铜像,使其“返乡”,马首将划归北京圆明园管理处收藏。


圆明园兽首铜像原为圆明园海晏堂外喷泉的一部分。这十二尊生肖兽首铜像(the bronze statues in the form of 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs)铸造于乾隆年间,由当时的宫廷西洋画师意大利人郎世宁主持设计,宫廷匠师制作。兽首铜像铸造完成后,呈“八”字形分列在喷水池两旁的人身石台上,每个动物就是一个喷泉机关(fountain switch)。

These animal-head taps took turns to spray water during different hours within a day, at noon, a salvo would happen.每天,十二生肖兽首铜像依次喷水,分别代表全日不同时分。正午时分,十二兽首会同时喷水。

The invading Anglo-French Alliance Forces rampaged through the Old Summer Palace and set it on fire in 1860. Numerous national treasures, including the 12 animal-head statues, were taken abroad in the havoc.1860年英法联军侵入北京,圆明园惨遭劫掠焚毁,很多国宝级文物及12生肖兽首铜像一同流失海外。



Ho spent HK$ 69.1 million ($8.8 million) to buy the statue in September 2007, and publicly exhibited it in Hong Kong and Macao promoting patriotism and people's consciousness protecting cultural relics.2007年9月,何鸿燊以6910万港元拍下马首铜像,并在港澳地区公开展出,希望借此带动更多人参与保护中国文物的工作,共同宣扬爱国爱民族意识。

Ho decided to donate it back to the mainland on 20th anniversary of Macao's return to China, after he contacted the National Cultural Heritage Administration, which said the statue will be given back to the Yuanmingyuan administration.为庆祝澳门回归20周年,何鸿燊联系国家文物局,决定将马首铜像捐赠给国家,国家文物局表示,将马首铜像划拨北京市圆明园管理处收藏。

高空抛物 high-rise littering

Acts of deliberately throwing objects from a high altitude will be treated as a crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means, intentional injury or intentional homicide depending on specific situations, according to a new guideline issued by the Supreme People's Court.最高法发布的意见明确,对于故意高空抛物的,根据具体情形按照以危险方法危害公共安全罪、故意伤害罪或故意*人罪论处。



故意从高空抛弃物品,尚未造成严重后果,但足以危害公共安全的(intentional high-rise littering activities that have not caused serious consequences but are sufficient to endanger public safety),依照刑法第一百一十四条规定的以危险方法危害公共安全罪定罪处罚;

致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的(those who inflict serious injury or death on people or cause heavy losses of public or private property),依照刑法第一百一十五条第一款的规定处罚。

为伤害、*害特定人员实施上述行为的(anyone who commits the acts with the purpose of injuring or killing a specific person),依照故意伤害罪、故意*人罪定罪处罚。


多次实施的(repeatedly committing the acts);

经劝阻仍继续实施的(continuing to carry out such acts after being dissuaded from doing so);

受过刑事处罚或者行政处罚后又实施的(committing the acts after receiving criminal or administrative punishment);

在人员密集场所实施的(conducting the acts in crowded places);


意见规定,过失导致物品从高空坠落,致人死亡、重伤(anyone who causes objects to fall from high altitudes due to negligence, resulting in serious injury or death),符合刑法第二百三十三条、第二百三十五条规定的,依照过失致人死亡罪(manslaughter)、过失致人重伤罪(severe injury due to negligence)定罪处罚。在生产、作业中违反有关安全管理规定,从高空坠落物品,发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的,依照刑法第一百三十四条第一款的规定,以重大责任事故罪(crime of major accident liability)定罪处罚。

金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系 BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution

President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called on the business circles to actively participate and promote BRICS economic cooperation so as to make tangible contributions to economic growth and job creation. Xi made the remarks when addressing the closing ceremony of the BRICS business forum in the Brazilian capital.当地时间11月13日,金砖国家工商论坛闭幕式在巴西利亚举行。**出席并发表讲话。*指出,希望工商界朋友们踊跃参与和推动金砖国家经济合作,为促进增长、创造就业作出实实在在的贡献。



The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage, the business sector should integrate business cooperation with the BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution, and produce more spotlight results in such areas as innovation, digital economy and green economy so as to promote high-quality development of BRICS economies.


世界一流港口 world-class ports

Nine government agencies including the Ministry of Transport and the National Development and Reform Commission released a guideline to accelerate the building of world-class ports. By 2035, major ports should advance to world-class levels and by 2050, several world-class port clusters should be formed, with leading development levels, according to the guideline.交通运输部、国家发改委等9个部门联合印发《关于建设世界一流港口的指导意见》。《意见》提出,到2035年,主要港口总体达到世界一流水平;到2050年,形成若干个世界级港口群,发展水平位居世界前列。



The oceans are strategically important to high-quality development. We should speed up the progress in the construction of world-class sea ports, a well-established modern maritime industry system, and a green and sustainable marine ecological environment to push for the building of a maritime power.


大风 strong gale

Beijing Municipal Meteorological Center issued a yellow gale alert from Sunday afternoon to noon on Monday. The capital will experience strong winds of up to 88 kilometers per hour, and its lowest temperature will reach around minus 4 C in the following days.北京市气象台发布11月17日下午至18日中午的大风黄色预警,在此期间,北京市将有时速88公里的大风(即9级大风),之后几天的最低气温将降至零下4度左右。


气象学上划分风力等级的方法由爱尔兰人法兰西·蒲福海军上将在1805年左右制定,因此被称为“蒲福氏风级(Beaufort Scale)”。按强弱,将风力划为“零”至“十二”,共十三个等级。


1--轻微/微风/软风,Light air,风速1-5km/h

2--轻微/微风/轻风,Light breeze,风速6-11km/h

3--和缓/温和/微风,Gentle breeze,风速12-19km/h

4--和缓/和风,Moderate breeze,风速20-28km/h

5--清劲/清风,Fresh breeze,风速29-38km/h

6--强风,Strong breeze,风速39-49km/h

7--强风/疾风,Near gale,风速50-61km/h


9--烈风,Strong gale,风速75-88km/h


11--暴风,Violent storm,风速103-117km/h


On Sunday afternoon, the National Meteorological Center issued a blue alert for gales in central and eastern China and a yellow alert for snowstorms in the northeastern provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang.11月17日下午,中央气象台发布中东部大风蓝色预警以及东北地区吉林和黑龙江暴雪黄色预警。

The cold front will continue to affect central and eastern China in the next two days, causing the temperature to drop by 6 to 10 C.未来两天,冷空气还将影响中东部地区,气温将下降6到10摄氏度。


人们通常用cold snap、cold wave、cold front、cold spell来表达寒潮。寒潮是指strong cold air(强冷空气)由亚洲大陆西部或西北部侵袭中国时的强降温天气过程,一般多发生在秋末、冬季、初春时节。

当范围很大的cold air mass(冷气团)聚集到一定程度,就会大规模向南入侵,形成寒潮天气。寒潮地面高压的前端一般都有一条cold front(冷锋)。寒潮过后,当地会受low pressure area(低气压)控制。


口罩加身(use face masks),保暖防病:口罩是必不可少的防寒工具,既可以有效防止灰尘、浮沉侵袭肌肤,又可以防止被凛冽的寒风吹得生疼。

温水洗脸(wash face with warm water),多喝热水:洗脸水温控制在20-37℃,选用保湿效果较好的护肤品。多喝热水,每天的饮水量因人而异,但“多喝热水”在大风降温的时候,绝不是敷衍。

戴上护膝(protect knees),保护关节:很多人会在大风天气时感到关节疼痛,不妨戴上护膝、护腕,保护关节。


穿衣适度(wrap up properly),增强免疫力:在保证身体不冷的前提下,不宜捂得过严,捂出汗反而会降低免疫力。

走私违禁物品 smuggling of banned substances

The judicial interpretation offers guidelines and criteria for imposing penalties in cases involving the smuggling and illegal sale of banned substances. The judicial interpretation will take effect on Jan 1, 2020.根据司法实践情况,该司法解释对违禁物品走私、非法销售等行为的定罪量刑提供了指导意见及标准。该解释自2020年1月1日施行。

司法解释(judicial interpretation)是司法机关对法律、法规(法令)的进一步明确界限所做的补充规定。



Those who involve in illegal selling of banned substances stipulated in laws and administrative regulations will be subject to criminal punishment for illegal business operations.非法经营兴奋剂目录所列物质,涉案物质属于法律、行政法规规定的限制买卖的物品的,可以非法经营罪定罪处罚。


Those who force, organize, lure or cheat minors or people with disabilities under their guardianship into using performance-enhancing drugs in sports activities and harm physical and mental health of the latter will face criminal penalty for maltreatment.组织、强迫、引诱、欺骗未成年人、残疾人在体育运动中非法使用兴奋剂,严重损害未成年人、残疾人身心健康的,以虐待被监护、看护人罪定罪处罚。

In the athletic test section of national-level examinations, including the college entrance examination and the civil servant examination, those who organize the doping of candidates will be penalized in accordance with the standards employed for those found guilty of the crime of cheating on exams, according to the interpretation.在普通高等学校招生、公务员录用等法律规定的国家考试涉及的体育、体能测试等体育运动中,组织考生非法使用兴奋剂的,以组织考试作弊罪定罪处罚。


For those who work in state organs or anti-doping agencies but abuse their power or fail to do their job when performing anti-doping duties, causing serious doping violations, seriously damaging the national reputation or causing negative social influence, they will be punished in accordance with the standards for the crimes of abuse of power and dereliction of duty, it said.国家机关工作人员以及行使反兴奋剂管理职权单位的工作人员,在行使反兴奋剂管理职权时滥用职权或者玩忽职守,造成严重兴奋剂违规事件,严重损害国家声誉或者造成恶劣社会影响的,以滥用职权罪、玩忽职守罪定罪处罚。

世界医学院校名录 World Directory of Medical Schools


The Ministry of Education on Monday dismissed worries that the removal of eight universities specializing in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) from the World Directory of Medical Schools would affect graduates' ability to obtain medical licenses.11月18日,教育部对网友的担忧回应称,这8所学校不在《世界医学院校名录》中并不会影响这些学校的毕业生获取医师资格。


《世界医学院校名录(World Directory of Medical Schools)》最早在1953年由世界卫生组织出版,2007年8月起,交由世界医学教育联合会(the World Federation for Medical Education,WFME)管理。2014年4月,旧版的《世界医学院校名录》跟国际医学教育和研究促进基金会(the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research,FAIMER)出版的《国际医学教育名录(International Medical Education Directory)》合并成为如今的《世界医学院校名录》。名录会列出医学院校的基本信息、联系方式、附属机构、课程安排以及招生情况,旨在为有意就读医科的学生、医疗监管机构、公众以及研究人员提供医科院校的各方面信息。

《世界医学院校名录》官网信息表示,列入该名录的学校并不代表被该名录或者合作机构认可、认证或背书(the listing of a medical school in the World Directory of Medical Schools does not denote recognition, accreditation, or endorsement by the World Directory of Medical Schools or by its partner organizations)。

The ministry said TCM universities are important parts of China's medical colleges and universities, and TCM graduates have the qualifications to get their degrees and attend medical licensing examinations based on relevant laws.


Such a fact will not be changed or influenced by a decision made by a nongovernmental organization to remove them from its directory, the ministry said.这一事实,不会因为一个非政府组织管理的院校名录没有收录这些中医药院校而受到影响、发生改变。

无偿献血 voluntary blood donations



The document urged the incorporation of voluntary blood donations into the social credit system across the nation, and the establishment of an incentive mechanism that provides donors with preferential treatment in using communal facilities or visiting government-run parks.通知提出,各地应探索将无偿献血纳入社会征信系统,建立无偿献血激励机制,对献血者使用公共设施、参观游览政府办公园等提供优惠待遇。

在提升血站服务水平方面,通知要求,探索建立“互联网 无偿献血(Internet Plus voluntary blood donation)”服务模式,为献血者提供个性化服务(provide personalized services for blood donors)。

The current preferential policy for voluntary blood donors should be improved so that when they or their immediate family members are discharged from the hospital, they could receive a deduction or exemption of blood fees more conveniently.完善无偿献血者优惠待遇流程,使献血者及直系亲属出院时减免用血费用流程更加便利。

通知提出,应持续提升血液安全。指导血站建立健全质量安全管理体系(blood safety management),完善高危献血者屏蔽和淘汰制度,健全血液预警机制。相关部门要根据当地传染病流行情况,完善血液筛查策略(improve blood screening strategies based on the local epidemic situation)。

通知称,要提升贫困地区血液保障能力(blood supply and security capacity should also be improved in poverty-stricken areas)。将提升贫困地区血液供应保障能力作为完善血液供应体系、保障民众生命健康权益的重要内容,加大贫困地区采供血网络建设力度。


光明网就此发表评论表示,社会征信体系的使用,仍然需要遵循严格的使用边界(there should be a clear boundary where social credit system is applied),它并不是一个什么都能装的筐。严格来说,只有那些跟公民信用紧密相关的项目,才能够纳入其中(only acts closely linked to personal credit should be taken into social credit system)。像无偿献血这种善举,尽管有很强的公益性,值得鼓励推广,但未必就关乎个人信用。

A voluntary blood donor may refuse to pay his/her debt, while someone who doesn't participate in blood donation may have a perfect credit record.一个献血的人同样可能赖账,一个不献血的人,也可能和失信完全不搭边。

人口老龄化 population aging


The plan requires establishing the basic institutional framework for tackling population aging by 2022. By the middle of the century, a mature institutional arrangement that meets the needs of a great modern socialist country should be put into place.《规划》明确,到2022年,我国积极应对人口老龄化的制度框架初步建立;到本世纪中叶,与社会主义现代化强国相适应的应对人口老龄化制度安排成熟完备。


人口老龄化(population aging)是世界各国都在面临的一个社会现象。联合国《2019世界人口展望》的数据显示:

By 2050, one in six people in the world will be over age 65 (16%), up from one in 11 in 2019 (9%). By 2050, one in four persons living in Europe and Northern America could be aged 65 or over.


In 2018, for the first time in history, persons aged 65 or above outnumbered children under five years of age globally. The number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to triple, from 143 million in 2019 to 426 million in 2050.




It calls for improving the national income distribution system, steadily increasing the pension reserves and establish a fairer and more sustainable social security system.通过完善国民收入分配体系,稳步增加养老财富储备,健全更加公平更可持续的社会保障制度。


This requires improving the quality of new members of the labor force, establishing a lifelong learning system for senior citizens, and striving to achieve fuller employment and create better quality jobs.通过提升新增劳动力质量、构建老有所学的终身学习体系,实现更高质量和更加充分就业。


A high-quality health service system including health education, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation nursing, long-term nursing and hospice care should be established, according to the plan.建立和完善包括健康教育、预防保健、疾病诊治、康复护理、长期照护、安宁疗护的高质量老年健康服务体系。


The plan also values the application of technology in responding to population aging including strengthening the development of assistive technologies for senior citizens.加大老年健康科技支撑力度,加强老年辅助技术研发和应用。


It also calls for fostering a social environment in which senior citizens are respected, cared for, and live happily in their later years. The legal system will be improved to protect the lawful rights and interests of senior citizens.建设养老、敬老、让老人安度晚年的社会环境,强化应对人口老龄化的法治环境,保障老年人合法权益。

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