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The regulation prohibits punishments that directly cause physical pain to students, such as hitting and poking with sharp objects, and punishments that violate students' dignity, such as insults and discriminatory or insulting words and acts.该规则禁止教师以击打、刺扎等方式,实施直接造成身体痛苦的体罚行为,以及辱骂或者以带有歧视、侮辱的言行贬损等侵犯学生人格尊严的行为。


本规则所称教育惩戒(school discipline),是指教师和学校在教育教学过程和管理中基于教育目的与需要,对违规违纪、言行失范的学生进行制止、管束或者以特定方式予以纠正(to stop, discipline or correct in certain way the students whose behavior is inappropriate or breaks rules and regulations),使学生引以为戒,认识和改正错误的职务行为。

直接造成身体痛苦的体罚行为在英语里叫corporal punishment或physical punishment。




(一)点名批评(name and shame);

(二)责令赔礼道歉、做口头或者书面检讨(make oral or written apology);

(三)适当增加运动要求(do additional physical exercise);

(四)不超过一节课堂教学时间的教室内站立或者面壁反省(forced standing that lasts no longer than one class session);

(五)暂扣学生用以违反纪律、扰乱秩序或者违规携带的物品(confiscate objects that were used in disturbing activities);

(六)课后留校教导(keep them at school for further discipline);




(一)暂停或者限制学生参加课程表以外的游览、社会实践以及其他外出集体活动(extracurricular activities suspended);

(二)承担校内公共服务任务(perform public service on campus);

(三)由学校学生德育工作负责人予以训导(disciplined by teachers in charge of moral education);

(四)在学校设置的专门教育场所隔离反省或者接受专门的校规校纪、行为规则教育(isolated for discipline);

(五)要求家长到校陪读(presence of parents required);




(一)给予不超过一周的停课或者停学,要求家长带回配合开展教育(suspended from school for no more than one week);

(二)由法治副校长或法治辅导员予以训诫(disciplined by vice headmaster in charge of school governance);

(三)安排专门的教育场所,由专业人员进行辅导、矫治(go through correction session at a designated place);

(四)改变教育环境或者限期转学(transfer to another school within a limited period of time);


嫦娥四号任务团队 Chang'e 4 Lunar Landing Mission Team



The Team Gold Medal presented to China's Chang'e 4 Lunar Landing Mission Team is the first award ever that was presented to a team from China by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) since its inception 153 years ago.中国嫦娥四号任务团队获得的团队金奖是英国皇家航空学会成立153年来首次向中国项目颁发的奖项。


英国皇家航空学会(the Royal Aeronautical Society,RAeS)成立于1866年,是国际上历史悠久的航空航天专业组织,该学会设立年度奖项,旨在表彰世界范围内在航空航天领域取得杰出成就的团队和个人(leaders in aviation and aerospace recognized for their significant contributions)。


英国皇家航空学会奖项委员会主席比尔·特雅克(Bill Tyack)指出:

The team earned the Team Gold Medal for its outstanding achievement of the first soft landing on the far side of the moon.嫦娥四号首次在月球背面实现软着陆,这是了不起的成就,获得团队金奖实至名归。

Another first for the mission was the release of a piggyback microsatellite during the Earth-moon transfer orbit, which orbited the moon for astronomical observation.该任务团队实现的另一个第一次是在地月转移轨道期间发射搭载的微卫星,沿月球轨道进行天文观测。


The award is a testimony of increasing international recognition of China's lunar exploration project and its overall aerospace development.这个奖项说明中国的探月工程以及整体的航天事业发展正逐步受到国际社会的认可。

Space exploration is a common aspiration shared by humankind, which is very significant for the future of human society. Therefore, we expect more international cooperation to jointly explore outer space and pursue scientific discoveries.太空探索是全人类共同的梦想,对人类社会未来的发展至关重要。因此,我们希望有更多的国际合作,共同助力人类太空探索与科学发现。


The Chang'e-4 probe made the first-ever soft landing on the Von Karman Crater in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon on Jan 3, 2019.2019年1月3日,嫦娥四号探测器成功着陆在月球背面艾特肯盆地冯·卡门撞击坑。

According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), the lander has worked for more than 300 days, far beyond its design life, while the rover has traveled more than 300 meters despite the complexity of the topography on the far side of the moon.国家航天局表示,截至目前,嫦娥四号在月球背面的工作时长已超过300天,远远超出设计寿命;“玉兔二号”巡视器克服月背复杂地形等障碍,行驶里程也已超过300米,实现了“双三百”的突破。


It has acquired geographic information on, among others, the topography, structure and composition of the landing area.获取了着陆区形貌、构造、成分等地质信息。

It has also made discoveries of rock which are of great scientific value for revealing the geographic evolution of the South Pole-Aitken Basin and early evolutionary history of the lunar crust.获得对揭示艾特肯盆地地质演化乃至月壳早期演化历史等科学问题具有重要价值的发现。

In addition, the mission has collected a lot of data and initial findings in areas such as neutral atoms, neutrons on the lunar surface and low-frequency radio spectrums.在中性原子、月表中子与辐射剂量及低频射电频谱等领域获取了大量数据,并取得了初步分析结果。


Chang'e-5 is scheduled to be launched next year and is expected to bring back samples from the moon.嫦娥五号计划明年发射,并实现月面采样返回。

携号转网 mobile number portability

China launched a mobile number portability program across the country Wednesday, allowing cellphone subscribers to switch service carriers without changing phone numbers, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.工信部11月27日宣布在全国推出携号转网服务,手机用户可以在不换号码的情况下更换电信服务运营商。


所谓“携号转网”,就是号码可携带、移机不改号,手机用户可以在不换号码的情况下更换不同的基础电信运营商,原手机号码继续保留,在英语里一般用mobile number portability表示,也可以更直观地说switch telecom networks without changing number。


As of Nov 26, about 3.16 million subscribers have completed number porting in five pilot provincial-level regions, showed MIIT data.工信部的数据显示,截止11月26日,试运行的五省市约有316万用户完成携号转网。



手机号已绑定的套餐业务尚在运行(ongoing mobile phone plans),手机与家庭宽带捆绑的优惠套餐(special offers covering mobile phone plan and internet service)仍然有效,有“亲情号(family plans)”,视频通话(video call)等业务未取消……很多用户在转网时遇到诸如此类的“门槛”。

三家运营商在启动大会上表示,协议有效期限的问题均已调整。“在网协议”也将更加透明公开(more transparent deals),并将及时向用户说明不能转网的具体原因,提供便捷的办理途径(easier access to mobile number portability program)。


一些用户反映,因购买靓号(auspicious mobile phone numbers)使得携号转网受到制约——或要等到合约期满,或要支付违约金。

运营商回应称,没有针对靓号携出提出额外要求(no extra procedure needed for such numbers),只要到了在网协议期限就不受影响。


根据运营商公布的实施细则,目前用户办理携号转网,需要提前发送短信查询资格、申请授权码(authorization code),凭借授权码和有效证件到携入方营业厅办理。如申请方不符合转网条件,需办理业务解绑(cancel existing mobile phone plans),符合条件后才能携出。

国家医保药品目录 the catalog of medicines covered by national medical insurance system


Eight domestically-produced medicines that are seen as "major innovations" and have just hit the market in recent years are among the new additions to the catalog of medicines covered by national medical insurance system, said the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) at a press conference.国家医疗保障局在新闻发布会上表示,新增医保药品目录中包括8个近年来上市的国产重大创新药品。


国家医保药品目录(the catalog of medicines covered by national medical insurance system)是基本医疗保险(basic medical insurance)、工伤保险(work-related injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance)基金支付药品费用的标准。目录所列西药部分(western medicine)、中成药部分(Chinese patent medicine)、协议期内谈判药品部分(catalogued medicine for renewal)和中药饮片部分(prepared ready-for-use traditional Chinese medicine)所列药品为基本医疗保险、工伤保险和生育保险基金准予支付费用的药品。

据悉,本轮国家医保目录调整谈判共涉及150个药品(the latest round of negotiations targeted 150 medicines),包括119个新增谈判药品(119 new additions to the negotiation)和31个续约谈判药品(31 existing ones for renewal)。119个新增谈判药品谈成70个,价格平均下降60.7%。其中,肿瘤、糖尿病等治疗用药的降幅平均在65%左右。31个续约药品谈成27个,价格平均下降26.4%。


Some drugmakers have provided the lowest prices in the world for Chinese patients.部分药品生产方给中国患者开出了全球最低价。

It is estimated that due to major price cuts resulting from negotiations and reimbursement from the national medical insurance system, the out-of-pocket amounts paid by patients will drop by between 80 and 95 percent.保守估计,通过谈判降价和医保报销,总体上患者个人负担将降至原来的20%以下,个别药品降至5%以下。

The updated list now contains 2,709 drugs, 64 more than the original version released in 2017.本次更新后的药品目录共收录药品2709个,与2017年版相比,净增64个。


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)






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