
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 22:25:58


我们的价格比较便宜,更有竞争优势。but you placed the order to somebody else,但是你却把订单下给了别人。因此我来问你:By the way, my name is Michael, 对了,我是麦克。I'm the GM of this company,这个公司的总经理。

Mr.XXXX, you are the purchase manager in your company。

XX先生,您是公司的采购经理。I'm the manager of the commercial area,我是商务区域负责经理。and we think in almost but,智利口音真的难懂)。the target we need better prices。因为我们需要更好的价格,因为the differences we do with all in invoice和我们的最终发票价格差距是is 30% percent,so we need more 所以我们需要更多。free taxes and prices 免税以及更好的价格。


(个人理解:低开发票)。how many, percent 百分之多少?that's a you are 30%,no 25% percent lower than our 你们是30%,不是,是25%低开,value, actually with all our voice so 比实际发票金额低25%。we need a better condition to combat because,我们需要更好的条件。

after that all the kids i would say 胃癌 the message,到底是我的手机号,you can contact my phone and send me the message,你可以联系我的手机给我发消息。uh okay i will ask XX to send you the email,我会要求XX给你发邮件过来。


um but can i just have another one minute,但是我们能再聊一会吗?because we just had a meeting with,因为我和XX刚刚开了个会。and we talk about your case and XX told me,我们讨论到贵司的情况,XX告诉我。last month you already place your order from 上个月您已经下了订单。another supplier i guess from 背胶 right,给另外一个供应商,我猜是阿根廷的,对吗?you're not buying from China,您没有从中国进口吗?yeah we turned a big older from there because,我们下了一个大订单。that one is really good accepted in kinematic,那个非常好的XX条件。so our price is cheaper or 防锈。price is cheaper,我们的价格更便宜,还是阿根廷价格?XX价格比你们的高,但是a higher than an hours it really addicted you know,后面又听不懂了。





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